Research Area:
Conservation genetics
Wildlife Conservation
Research Grant:
2014 Idea Wild sponsorship, Idea Wild, USD1,500
2014 Short Term Grant, USM, USD1,500
2009 Central Research Fund Grant, Queen Mary University of London, GBP6,300
2008 Bat Conservation International Students Research Scholarships, Bat Conservation International, GBP2,039
Research Publication:
Julinan Nordin., Chew, T. H., Lim, L. S., & Shamsir, M. S. (2023). Mapping the interior of the Dark Cave at Batu Caves, Selangor, Malaysia, using LIDAR laser scanning for its geological structures and the bat roosts. Malayan Nature Journal, 75(1): 205-222
Zailani, M. A. H., Sabudin, R. Z. A. R., Jalil, D. A., Ithnin, A., Ayub, N. A., Alauddin, H., Jalil, N., Md Fauzi, A., Cheah, F. C., Lim, L. S., Safian, N., Yusuf, M. M. & OTHMAN, A. (2023). Evaluation of quantitative point-of-care test for measurement of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme activity in Malaysia. The Malaysian Journal of Pathology, 45(1), 31-41.
Nur-Izzati Abdullah, Nurul-‘Ain Elias, Faisal Ali Anwarali Khan, Joe Chun-Chia Huang, Lee-Sim Lim (2022). Bat species in the forest reserves of Penang Island after 2010: with two more new records filed. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 17(5), 13-22. (Correspondence author)
Tamás Görföl, Joe Chun-Chia Huang, Gábor Csorba, Dorottya Győrössy, Péter Estók, Tigga Kingston, Kriszta Lilla Szabadi, Ellen McArthur, Juliana Senawi, Neil M. Furey, Vuong Tan Tu, Vu Dinh Thong, Faisal Ali Anwarali Khan, Emy Ritta Jinggong, Melissa Donnelly, Jayaraj Vijaya Kumaran, Jian-Nan Liu, Shiang-Fan Chen, Mao-Ning Tuanmu, Ying-Yi Ho, Heng-Chia Chang, Nurul-Ain Elias, Nur-Izzati Abdullah, Lee-Sim Lim, C Daniel Squire, Sándor Zsebők (2022). ChiroVox: a public library of bat calls. PeerJ. 10, e12445.
Juliana Nordin, Chew, T.H., Lee-Sim Lim, Mohd Shahir Shamsir (2021). Temporal changes of bat diversity in the urban habitat island of Batu Caves, Malaysia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 736: 012051
Mohamad Rani Ismail Hashim, Hao-Chih Kuo, Shahrul Anuar Mohd Sah, Lee-Sim Lim (2020). Physical Conditions and microclimate of two Cynopterus species roosts in an abandoned village in Lambor, Perak. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management. 15(5):59-71 (Correspondence author)
Lim, L-S, Struebig, M., Nor Zalipah Mohamed, Adura Mohd-Adnan, Juliana Senawi, Akbar Zubaid, Shahrul Anuar Sah, Rossiter, S.J. (2019). Bats from the understorey of lowland tropical rainforests across Peninsular Malaysia. Journal of Bat Research and Conservation. 12(1):68-82 (Correspondence author)
Huang, J.C-H, Nurul Ain Elias, Shahrul Anuar Sah, Nur Izzati Abdullah, Lim, L-S. (2019). The first record of Coelops frithii (Blyth, 1848) to Penang, Malaysia, with a note of the potential acoustic plasticity of the species. Journal of Bat Research and Conservation. 12(1):21-26 (Correspondence author)
William-Dee, J., Khan, F. A. A., Rosli, Q., Morni, M. A., Azhar, I., Lim, L. S., Tingga, R.C.T. & Rahman, M. R. A. (2019). Comparative Distribution of Small Mammals Diversity in Protected and Non-Protected Area of Peninsular Malaysia. Tropical Life Sciences Research, 30(2):131-147.
Sa'Adiah Shahabudin, Rohayu Hami, Lee-Sim Lim, Amalina Salleh, Amalina Salleh, (2018). The Effect of Dental Unit Waterline Flushing on the Quality of Water in Dental Teaching Center in Malaysia, Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, 3: 72-74
Priscillia Miard*, Lee Sim Lim*, Nur Izzati Abdullah, Nurul Ain Elias, Nadine Ruppert. (2018). Ultrasound use by Sunda colugos offers new insights into the communication of these cryptic mammals. Bioacoustics, DOI: 10.1080/09524622.2018.1463294 (*Both of the authors contributed equally and share equal role in the authorship of this article)
Emma C. Teeling, Sonja C. Vernes, Liliana M. Dávalos, David A. Ray, M. Thomas P. Gilbert, Eugene Myers, Bat1K Consortium. (2018). Bat biology, genomes, and the Bat1K Project: To generate chromosome-level genomes for all living bat species. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences. 6:23-46 (I am one of the member in the Bat1K Consortium)
Md-Zain, B. M., Teh, M., Ang, K.C., Lim, L.S., & Yaakop, S. (2017). Phylogenetic relationships of the Orang Asli (Proto Malays) tribe based on the HVS II gene sequences. Malaysian Applied Biology. 46(4): 35–42
Lim, L.S., Csorba, G., Wong, C.-M., Akbar Zubaid, Sultana Parvin Habeebur Rahman, Jayaraj Vijaya Kumaran, Faisal Ali Anwarali Khan, Huang, J.C.-C., Nazalan Najimudin & Görföl. (2016). The systematic position of Hypsugo macrotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) and a new record from Peninsular Malaysia. Zootaxa. 4170(1):169-177
Lim, L.S., Adura Mohd-Adnan, Akbar Zubaid, Struebig, M. & Rossiter S. (2014). Diversity of Malaysian insectivorous bat assemblages revisited. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 30(02):111-121
S. Lim, K.C. Ang, M.C. Mahani, A.W. Shahrom & B.M. Md-Zain. (2010). Mitochondrial DNA Polymorphism and Phylogenetic Relationships of Proto Malays in Peninsular Malaysia. Journal of Biological Sciences. 10: 71-83
Shahrom, A.W., Lim, L.S., Md-Zain, B.M., Mansor Clyde, M. & Noor Azma, S. (2005). 2-D (When Skull is not available) using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) phylogeny tree and image morphing techniques: a preliminary study. International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Legal Medicine 8: 1-5
Lim, L.S., Mahani, MC, Badrul, MZ, Shahrom, A.W. (2004). HVS I as a tool in phylogenetic analysis among human populations in Peninsular Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 10: 1-8
Other Publication:
Nurul-Ain Elias, Nor Amira Abdul Rahman, Nur Izzati Abdullah, Khairi Azri Nazari, Mohd Hafizul Hasmadi Mohd Noor, Lim Lee-Sim (2021). Chapter 4.14: A short notes on bats of Penang Hill. In Nadine Ruppert, Meg Lowman, Siti Azizah Mohd Nor (eds). The Biodiversity of Penang Hill: Findings of the Penang Hill BioBlitz 2017. The Habitat Foundation. ISBN 9789671998809
Abdullah N I, Lim L. S., Elias N, Huang J C C (2020). Bats of Penang Island, Malaysia. Version 1.4. Southeast Asian Bat Conservation Research Unit. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2020-11-24.
Elias N A, Abdullah N I, Lim L. S., Huang J C C (2020): Bat collection of Bats Ecology and Conservation Lab, Universiti Sains Malaysia. v1.5. Southeast Asian Bat Conservation Research Unit. Dataset/Occurrence.
Lee-Sim Lim, Mohd Shahir Shamsir (2019). Mapping the Mysterious Dark Cave 360° with Special Focus on the Roosting Bats. Malaysian Naturalist 73:20-24
Görföl, T., Bates, P. J., Lim, L. S., & Francis, C. M. (2016). Hypsugo macrotis. IUCN RED LIST OF THREATENED SPECIES, 1-7.
Ang, K.C., Lim, L.S., Md-Zain, B.M. & Clyde, M.M. (2012). Molecular Systematics of Orang Kanaq (Proto Malay) as Inferred from Maternal and Paternal Markers. In Zafarina Zainuddin (eds) Genetic and Dental Profiles of Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia. Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia. ISBN 9789838615501
Master (Completed):
Nur Izzati Abdullah, 2018, Echolocation and Community Structure of Bats from Different Landscapes on Penang Island
Master (On-going):
Mo Yaxin, Identifying novel mammalian RNA viruses in fresh bat faeces in Peninsular Malaysia
Since 2004 Lifetime member Persatuan Genetik Malaysia
Since 2008 Member Malaysian Nature Society
Since 2008 Member Bat Conservation International, United States of America
Since 2009 Ordinary Member The Genetics Society, United Kingdom
Since 2015 Member Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation
2015-2018 Committee Member Malaysian Cave and Karst Conservancy
Since 2010 Member British Ecological Society
2010 Postgraduate fellow Royal Geographical Society with IBG, United Kingdom
Since 2021 Volunteer Grant Reviewer of British Ecological Society (BES) Review College
Industry Engagement:
2011-2018 Scientific Advisory Panel of Cave Management Group, Batu Caves, Malaysia. (Accounts for bat diversity and bats related research)