Dr. Norhanishah Mohamad Yunus
Dr. Norhanishah Mohamad Yunus Telefon : 04-6532303 Faks : 04-6576000 Emel : norhanishah@usm.my Labour Economics, Development Economics, International Trade and FDI Spillovers |
Academic Qualifications:
- Ph.D. (Economics) 2015,Universiti Putra Malaysia
- Master of Economics (Public Policy of Economics) 2005, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
- B.Sc. (Hons.) Economics (Econometrics) 2003, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Key Research Area:
- Labour Economics
- International Economics (Trade & FDI spillovers)
- Development Economics (Human capital)
- Econometrics (panel data analysis)
Selected Journal Articles:
- Yunus, N.M, Wahab, N.A. (2021). The Technology and Knowledge Spillover Effects of FDI on Labour Productivity. GATR Journal of Business and Economics Review, 5 (4) : 51-58
- Yunus, N.M (2020). Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: An Analysis on Policy Variables in the Malaysian Manufacturing Industry. International Journal of Asian Social Scienc,e 10 (12), 746-760.
- Yunus, N.M& Masron, T.A (2020).Spillover Effects of Inward Foreign Direct Investment on Labour Productivity: An Analysis on Skill Composition in Manufacturing Industry International Journal of Asian Social Science, 10 (10), 593-611.
- Norhanishah Binti Mohamad Yunus, Fazelina Binti Sahul Hamid, (2019). Training, Research and Development, and Spillover Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: A Study on Labour Productivity in Malaysian Manufacturing Industry. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 8 (3):, 966-972.
- Yunus, N. M. (2018). Returns From Higher Education in Malaysia: Analysis of Wage-Employed and Self-Employed Workers. International Journal of Economics and Management. Vol 12(2), 703-719.
- Yunus, N.M, Wahab, N.A. (2018). Returns From Self-Employment in Malaysia. Revista Publicando, 5 No 18. (3), 60-74. ISSN 1390-9304.
- N.M Yunus & F.S Hamid (2017). Changing Returns to Education in the Malaysian Electric & Electronic Sector, 2002-2007. International Journal of Economic Research, Vol. 14 No.16 (Part 2), 295-318.
- Yunus, N.M. (2017). Sheepskin Effects in the returns to higher education: New Evidence for Malaysia. Asian Academy of Management Journal, 22 (1), 151-182.
- Yunus, N.M., & Hamid, F.S. (2017). Market Discipline and Bank Risk Taking: Evidence from the East Asian Banking Sector. East Asian Economic Review, 21(1), 29-57.
- Yunus, N.M. (2017). Education and earnings in the Malaysian information, communication, and technology sector: The role of certificates of qualification. Australian Journal of Accounting, Economics and Finance, 3(1), 37–50.
- Yunus, N.M., & Hamid, F.S. (2016). The effects of over-education on returns in the graduate labour market. In The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 384–403). United Kingdom: Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/ epsbs.2016.11.02.35
- Yunus, N. M., & Said, R. (2016). Do Higher Levels of Qualification Lead to Higher Returns to Education: Evidence from Malaysian Education Sector. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(S6)(ISSN: 2146-4138), 20–26.
- Yunus, N. M., Said, R., & Azman-Saini, W. N. W. (2015). Spillover effects of FDI and trade on demand for skilled labour in Malaysian manufacturing industries. Asian Academy of Management Journal, 20(2), 1–27.
- Yunus, N.M , Said, R. & Law, S.H. (2014). Does Cost of Training, Education Levels and R&D Investment Matter in Influencing Labour Productivity? Malaysian Journal of Economics, Volume 48(1), 133-142.
- N.M. Yunus, R. Said &W.N.W Azman-Saini. Spillover Effects on relative demand for skilled workers in Malaysian Manufacturing Industries. Abstract of 2th International Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS-2014), International Foundation for Research and Development (IFRD). ISSN 2307-7549. 1-2 February 2014, Bangkok, Thailand.
- N.M. Yunus, R. Said. Getting More Bang for Your Buck: Does Human Capital Research and Development Matter. Abstract of lst CHREST International conference on Labour Market Transformation. Labour Market Transformation and Human Resource Development. 8-9 January 2013, Kuala Lumpur.
JKE 214E/JKE314E Labour Economics (2014/2015 onwards)
JKE 416E Public Sector Economics (2014/2015 onwards)
JKE 311 Mikroekonomi II ( 2014/2015)
JUS101 Teras Keusahawanan (2016/2017)
JKE 215 Mikroekonomi I (2017/2018)
JUR 101 Etika Profesional (2017/2018)
Maklumat sedang dikemaskini
Research Grant
- Project Head
Short Term Research Grant (2015). The Private Returns to Education: Evidence from Malaysian Economics Sector. Universiti Sains Malaysia. Scheme No. 304/PJJAUH/6313248. RM35,000. 1/12/2015-30/11/2017. - Co-Researcher
Short Term Research Grant (2017). Fazelina Binti Sahul Hamid, Norhanishah Binti Mohamad Yunus &Humaira Asad. Bank Ownership and The Effectiveness Of Bank Lending Channel: Evidence From The ASEAN Banking Sector. RM19,080.00. 15/01/2017-14/01/2019.
Consultancy with Monetary Reward (University / School / Personal)
- Data Mapping Exercise for Women and Children in Malaysia. The United Nations Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF, Malaysia), RM5,000.00.1/6/2011- 31/10/2011.
Profesional Affiliation/ Membership
- East Asian Economic Association-2017
- Hits: 6197