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Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid

Ahmad Fauzi 3


Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid
Phone      : 04-6532278
Fax          : 04-6576000
Email       :
Political Islam in Southeast Asia , Islamist Movements , Islamic Thought, Muslim-non-Muslim relations 


Academic Qualifications:

  • Ph.D. (Politics) 1998, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
  • M.A. (Politics of International Resources and Development) 1994, University of Leeds 
  • B.A. Hons. (Philosophy, Politics and Economics) 1992, M.A., 1998, University of Oxford


Key Research Area: 

  • Political Islam in Southeast Asia 
  • Islamist Movements 
  • Islamic Thought
  • Muslim-non-Muslim relations



  1. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2003), ‘Inter-Movement Tension among Resurgent Muslims in Malaysia: Response to the State Clampdown on Darul Arqam in 1994’, Asian Studies Review (Brisbane), vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 361-387.
  2. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2006), ‘Southeast Asian Response to the Clampdown on the Darul Arqam Movement in Malaysia, 1994-2000’, Islamic Studies (Islamabad), vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 83-119.
  3. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2007), ‘Patterns of State Interaction with Islamic Movements in Malaysia during the Formative Years of Islamic Resurgence’, Southeast Asian Studies (Kyoto), vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 444-465.
  4. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2008), ‘Islamist Realignments and the Rebranding of the Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia‘, Contemporary Southeast Asia (Singapore), vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 215-240.
  5. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2010), ‘Politically Engaged Muslims in Malaysia in the Era of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (2003-2009)’, Asian Journal of Political Science (London), vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 154-176.
  6. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid and Muhamad Takiyuddin Ismail (2012), ‘Abdullah Ahmad Badawi: A Malaysian Neo-Conservative?’, Japanese Journal of Political Science (Cambridge), vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 379-399.
  7. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid and Muhamad Takiyuddin Ismail (2012), ‘The Monarchy and Party Politics in Malaysia in the Era of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (2003-09): The Resurgence of the Role of Protector’, Asian Survey (Berkeley), vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 924-948.
  8. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid and Muhamad Takiyuddin Ismail (2014), ‘Islamist Conservatism and the Demise of Islam Hadhari in Malaysia’, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations (London), vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 159-180.
  9. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2015), ‘Spirituality as an Integral Part of Islamic Business: The Case of Global Ikhwan’, Pacific Affairs (Vancouver), vol. 88, no. 2, pp. 173-192.
  10. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid and Che Hamdan Che Mohd. Razali (2015), ‘The Changing Face of Political Islam in Malaysia in the Era of Najib Razak, 2009-2013’, Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia (Singapore), vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 301-337.
  11. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2016), ‘Syariahization of Intra-Muslim Religious Freedom and Human Rights Practice in Malaysia: The Case of Darul Arqam’, Contemporary Southeast Asia (Singapore), vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 28-54.


  1. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2011), ‘Malay Racialism and the Sufi Alternative’, in Maznah Mohamad and Syed Muhd Khairudin Aljunied (eds.), Melayu: The Politics, Poetics and Paradoxes of Malayness, Singapore: National University of Singapore Press, pp. 68-100.
  2. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2012), ‘Religion, secularism and the state in Southeast Asia’, in Arlene B. Tickner and David L. Blaney (eds.), Thinking International Relations Differently, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 253-274.
  3. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2013), ‘The Aurad Muhammadiah Congregation: Modern Transnational Sufism in Southeast Asia’, in Hui Yew-Foong (ed.), Encountering Islam: The Politics of Religious Identities in Southeast Asia, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), pp. 66–99.
  4. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2013), ‘From Darul Arqam to the Rufaqa’ Corporation: Change and Continuity in a Sufi Movement in Malaysia’, in Kamaruzzaman Bustamam-Ahmad and Patrick Jory (eds.), Islamic Thought in Southeast Asia: New Interpretations and Movements, Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press, pp. 45–65.
  5. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2014), ‘Sociopolitical Developments in West Asia and Their Impact on Christian Minorities in the Region’, in Felix Wilfred (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Christianity in Asia, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 231–256.
  6. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2015), ‘The Hudud Controversy in Malaysia: Religious Probity or Political Expediency?’, in Daljit Singh (ed.), Southeast Asian Affairs 2015, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), pp. 205–219.
  7. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2015), ‘Globalization of Islamic Education in Southeast Asia’, in Ken Miichi and Omar Farouk (eds.), Southeast Asian Muslims in the Era of Globalization, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 11–43.
  8. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid and Mohd Faiz Hilmi (2017), ‘“Bottom of the Pyramid” Community Outreach Programs: The Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Experience 2008 – 2014’, in B. Pandu Ranga Narasimharao , Elizabeth Wright, Shashidhara Prasad and Meghana Joshi (eds.), Handbook of Research on Science Education and University Outreach as a Tool for Regional Development, Hershey: IGI Global, pp. 186-195,
  9. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid and Che Hamdan Che Mohd. Razali (2017), ‘Political Islamists in Electoral Politics’, in Mohd Azizuddin Mohd Sani and Ummu Atiyah Ahmad Zakuan (eds.), Democracy at Work in Malaysia, Sintok: Universiti Utara Malaysia Press, pp. 227-255.
  10. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid and Zawawi Ibrahim (2017), ‘The Governance of Religious Diversity in Malaysia: Islam in a Secular State or Secularism in an Islamic State?’, in Anna Triandafyllidou and Tariq Modood (eds.), The Problem of Religious Diversity: European Challenges, Asian Approaches, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 169-203.
  11. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2018), ‘Religious Diversity in Malaysia: Between Islamic Orthodoxy, Unorthodoxy and Deviancy’, in Mohamed Nawab Mohamed Osman (ed.), Islam and Peacebuilding in the Asia-Pacific, Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 179-211.
  12. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid and Mohd Haris Zuan Jaharudin (2018), ‘Islamic education in Malaysia: Between neoliberalism and political priorities in light of the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2015’, in Cynthia Joseph (ed.), Policies and Politics in Malaysian Education: Education Reforms, Nationalism and Neoliberalism, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 31-53.


  1. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2010), Islamic Education in Malaysia, RSIS Monograph No. 18, Singapore: S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University. ISBN: 978-981-08-5952-7.
  2. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2013), Political Islam and Islamist Politics in Malaysia, Trends in Southeast Asia monograph series, No. 2, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS). ISBN: 978-981-4519-24-3.
  3. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid and Che Hamdan Che Mohd. Razali (2016), Middle Eastern Influences on Islamist Organizations in Malaysia: The Cases of ISMA, IRF and HTM, Trends in Southeast Asia monograph series, No. 2, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS). ISBN: 978-981-4695-91-6.
  4. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2016), The Extensive Salafization of Malaysian Islam, Trends in Southeast Asia monograph series, No. 9, Singapore: ISEAS Publishing. ISBN: 978-981-47-6251-9 (soft cover), 978-981-47-6252-6 (e-book, PDF).


  • JKP 316 Political Development of Malaysia: Year 2000/01 – 2007/08, 2010/11 – present day.
  • JKP 418 Political Economy of Malaysia: Year 2004/05 – 2007/08. Year 2009/10 – present day.



1) Muhamad Takiyuddin bin Ismail @ Fakhri, Ph.D. (research mode), Abdullah Ahmad Badawi: Legasi Neokonservatif [Abdullah Ahmad Badawi: A Neoconservative Legacy]. Main supervisor, 2009-2012. Winner of USM Persada Kencana Award for Best Thesis (Ph.D. Category – Pure Arts).

2) Sri Yunanto, Ph.D. (research mode), A Weak State and Strong Militants: Religious Violence in Indonesia With Special Reference to Jakarta, Bali, Maluku and Poso, Main supervisor, 2008-2013.

3) Noorulhafidzah binti Zawawi, Ph.D. (research mode), Democratization in Malaysia: A Comparative Study of Two Oppositional Political Waves (1987-1996, 1998-2013), Main supervisor, 2009-2017.


  • Member, Editorial Board, Kajian Malaysia: Journal of Malaysian Studies (since 1 January 2014)
  • Member, Editorial Board, Kemanusiaan: The Asian Journal of Humanities (since 1 June 2014)
  • Member, International Advisory Board, journal Islamic Studies (Islamabad) (14 September 2006)

International appointments:

  1. Visiting Fellow, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), SINGAPORE, 4 September 2008 – 31 January 2009.
  2. Visiting Fellow, Asia Research Centre (ARC), Murdoch University, Perth, AUSTRALIA, 14 – 28 February 2009.
  3. Resource person for the research project ‘Islam in Southeast Asia’, Japan International Cooperation Agency Research Institute (JICA-RI), Tokyo, JAPAN,1 April 2009 – 31 March 2011.
  4. Consultant expert, Middle East-Asia Project (MAP), Middle East Institute, Washington D.C., United States of America (USA). 22 April 2013 - present day.
  5. Visiting Senior Fellow, ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, 30, Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Pasir Panjang, SINGAPORE, 1 September 2015 – 31 May 2016.

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