Research Area:
Numerical Analysis,
Computational Mathematics
Mathematical Sciences
Selected Journal Articles:
- Yatim, S.A.M.; Ibrahim, Z.B.; Othman, K.I.; Suleiman, M., A numerical algorithm for solving stiff ordinary differential equations, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, 11
- S. A. M. Yatim, Z. B. Ibrahim, K. I. Othman, and M. B. Suleiman, A quantitative comparison of numerical method for solving stiff ordinary differential equations, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2011, 12
- Yatim, S.A.M., Ibrahim, Z.B., Othman, K.I., Ismail, F., Fifth order variable step block backward differentiation formulae for solving stiff ODEs, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 62, 2010, 3
Selected Book Chapters:
- Yatim, S.A.M.; Ibrahim, Z.B.; Othman, K.I; Suleiman, M., Solving stiff ordinary differential equations using extended block backward differentiation formulae, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer Netherlands, 2013, 13
- Asma Izzati Binti Asnor (PPSM MSc Dissertation – Course Work), Improved BBDF Method for Solving Stiff ODEs, Main Supervisor, 2015 (Graduated).
- Nurhazfeera Mazna Binti Hazli (PPSM MSc Dissertation – Course Work), Adaptive BBDF Method for solving Oscillatory Problem. Main Supervisor, 2016 (Ongoing).
- Nur Fakhira Binti Abd Kadir (PPSM MSc Dissertation – Course Work), Modified BBDF Method for Second Order ODE, Main Supervisor, 2016 (Ongoing).
- International Scientific Committee and Editorial Review Board on World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, since 2014, International.
- IAENG (Interntional Association of Engineers), members since 2013, International
- Anugerah Siswazah Cemerlang, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2013, University
- Pingat Emas Dekan, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2013, University
- Best Student Paper Award of The 2012 International conference of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, Best Student Paper Award, , London, UK, 2012, International.