
1. Where is School of Distance Education (SDE) located?
School of Distance Education is in building E39. It is located opposite the Hamzah Sendut Library 2 (E41) and next to Dewan Budaya (E42).

2. How do I contact the School of Distance Education’s office?
School of Distance Education (SDE), Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Pulau Pinang.
Tel: +604 653 6197
Fax: +604 657 6000

3. I want to further my studies in School of Distance Education. What courses do you offer?
SDE offers both undergraduate and postgraduate programs. For undergraduate, we offer Bachelor of  Science (Biology/Chemistry/Physic/Mathematics), Bachelor of Social Science (Antropology-Sociology/Economics/Political Science), Bachelor of Arts (Geography/History/Literature) and Bachelor of Management (Finance/Marketing/Organisation). For postgraduate, we offer Masters of Science, Masters of  Social Science, Masters of Arts (MA) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) all by  full research.

 4. I want to do my Masters/PhD in School of Distance Education. How do I apply?

Apply through the Institute of Postgraduate Studies website at .

5. How much does it cost to do a  first degree in School of Distance Education?
Refer to our brochure (page 8/8).

6. How much does it cost to do a Masters/PhD in School of Distance Education?
Refer to our brochure (page 3/6).
  • Hits: 11888

School of Distance Education
Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia