Dr. Low Choo Chin

low choo chin   

Dr. Low Choo Chin
Phone   : 04-6533609
Faks     : 04-6576000       
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Orcid    :
Comparative Citizienship, Migration, Diaspora, Deportation Studies


Academic Background

  • PhD (Arts) School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, the University of Melbourne, 2012
  • MA (Arts) School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2007
  • B. Ed (Hons) School of Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2005



Key Research Area:

  • Migration
  • Comparative citizenship
  • Diaspora studies

Research Grants (Principal investigator)

  1. Universiti Sains Malaysia, ‘The Malaysian Diaspora in Australia’ USM short term grants, 15/3/2014– 14/3/2016.
  2. Ministry of Higher Education, ‘Establishing a Deportation Model of Undocumented Migrants in Malaysia’ Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), 1/12/2014 - 31/8/2017
  3. Global Citizenship Observatory (GLOBALCIT), provided by European University Institute, served as country expert, 15/3/2016 – 15/9/2016.
  4. Universiti Sains Malaysia, ‘Marriage Migration in Malaysia: Examining the Need for Marital Citizenship and Immigration Reform’ Research University Grant Scheme (RUI), 1/3/2016 - 31/8/2018.
  5. Universiti Sains Malaysia, ‘Irregular Migration in Malaysia’, Bridging Grants, 15/6/2019 – 14/6/2020.


Journal Articles

1. Low Choo Chin. (2013). Taiwanese and German Citizenship Reforms: Integration of Immigrants without Challenging the Status Quo, 1990-2000. European Journal of East Asian Studies. 12 (2): 269-294.

2. Low Choo Chin (2014). The Repatriation of the Chinese as a Counter-insurgency policy during the Malayan Emergency. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies.  45 (3): 363-392. 

3. Low Choo Chin (2014). The 1963 Strasbourg Convention on Single Nationality Movement: The German Experience. Journal on European History of Law. 5 (2): 41-50.

4. Low Choo Chin. (2014). Aspirasi Liberalisme, Nasionalisme and Sosialisme Dalam  Menginterpretasi Revolusi 1848 di Jerman. Jurnal Sejarah. 23 (2): 1-22.

5. Low Choo Chin (2014). Rakyat British (BOC) dan Legasi Kolonial di Malaysia [British Overseas Citizens and the Colonial Legacy in Malaysia]. Jebat: Malaysian Journal of History, Politics & Strategic Studies, 41 (2): 50-79.

6. Low Choo Chin (2015). Same System, Different Outcomes: Comparing the Implementation of Dual Nationality Treaties in East Germany and China. Europe-Asia Studies. 67 (10): 1656-1684.

7. Low Choo Chin (2015) Defending National Identity and National Interests: The Limits of Citizenship Transnationalism in Germany and China. Journal of International Migration and Integration. 16 (3): 717-741.

8. Low Choo Chin. (2015). Debates over Liberalising Dual Citizenship: Prospects and Limits in Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China. International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies. 11 (1):1–33.

9. Low Choo Chin and Sah-Hadiyatan Ismail. (2015). The Unwelcome Consuls: The Contested Appointment of Chinese Consuls in Colonial Malaya. Kemanusiaan: The Asian Journal of Humanities. 22 (1): 75-99.

10. Low Choo Chin. (2015) China’s Citizenship Diplomacy at Bandung: An Evaluation from the British Perspective. New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 17 (1): 41-64.

11. Low Choo Chin (2015). Détente, Recognition and Citizenship: The Case of East Germany. Region: Regional Studies of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia. 4 (2): 265-89.

12. Low Choo Chin (2015) Migration and Citizenship: Legal and Political Aspect in the German Context. Chronica Mundi. 10(1): 26-64.

13. Low Choo Chin. (2016). The politics of citizenship in divided nations: Policies and Trends in Germany and China, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 49 (2): 123-135.

14. Low Choo Chin (2016). The Politics of Emigration and Expatriation: Ethnicization of Citizenship in Imperial Germany and China, Journal of Historical Sociology, 29 (3): 385-412.

15. Low Choo Chin (2016). The Malaysian Chinese Diaspora in Melbourne: Citizenship and Belongingness. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 24 (1), 257-76.

16. Low Choo Chin. (2016). Immigration Control during the Malayan Emergency: Borders, Belonging, and Citizenship, 1948-1960. Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society JMBRAS, 89 (1): 35-59.

17. Low Choo Chin (2016). The Banishment of Anti-Communist Chinese to Formosa: The British as Mediators in Post-war Malaya. International Journal of China Studies, 7 (3), 327-348.

18. Low Choo Chin (2016). De-ethnicization and De-sinicization: Reconstructing the Boundaries of Citizenship in China and Taiwan. ChiMoKoJa: Histories of China, Mongolia, Korea, and Japan, Vol 2 (1): 47-70.

19. Low Choo Chin (2017). Malaysian Diaspora Philanthropy: Transnational Activism, mobilization and resistance. Diaspora Studies, 10 (2): 152-174. Doi: 10.1080/09739572.2017.1324383

20. Low Choo Chin and Khairiah Salwa Mokhtar (2017). Migration Control in Malaysia:  Shifting Toward Interior Enforcement. Asia Pacific Social Science Review. 16 (3): 46-64.

21. Low Choo Chin (2017). A Malaysia of Citizens: Ethnicity, Membership and Politics of Merger. Kemanusiaan: The Asian Journal of Humanities, 24 (2): 1-30.

22. Low Choo Chin and Khairiah Salwa Mokhtar (2017). Deportation Turn in Malaysia:  Expansion, Discourse, and Practice. Journal of Population and Social Sciences. 25 (2): 147-166.

23.  Low Choo Chin (2017). “A Strategy of Attrition through Enforcement: The Unmaking of Irregular Migration in Malaysia”. Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs. 37 (2): 101-136.

24. Low Choo Chin (2018). “MyOverseasVote: Liberalism and Extraterritorial Citizenship”. Citizenship Studies 22(7): 745-768.

25. Low Choo Chin (2019). “ Extraterritorial Migration Control in Malaysia: Militarized, Externalized and Regionalized”. Regions & Cohesion 9(3): 1-28.

26. Low Choo Chin (2019). Hitlerism, Anti-Semitisme dan Interpretasi Holocaust. Jurnal Sejarah. 28 (1): 34-54.

27. Low Choo Chin (2020). “De-commercialization of the Labor Migration Industry in Malaysia”. Southeast Asian Studies, 9(1), 27-65.

28. Low Choo Chin (2020). “Migrant Labour Recruitment Reform in Malaysia: Towards Ethical and Zero-Cost Migration.” Otoritas: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 10 (2), 142-164.

29. Low Choo Chin (2020). “Dwikerakyatan dalam Komanwel di Persekutuan Tanah Melayu: Antara Persoalan Kesetiaan dan Persoalan Prinsip.” Jurnal Sejarah, 29 (2): 120-138.

30.  Low Choo Chin (2021). “Legal Reforms in Protecting Migrant Workers’ Welfare in Malaysia: Labor Laws and Social Security”. Austrian Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 14(1), 59-80.

31. Low Choo Chin (2021). “Back for Good: Reforms in Legalization and Amnesty Programs in Malaysia”. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia), 177 (2-3): 344–378

32. Low Choo Chin (2021). “The historical development of the nature of desirability in naturalisation regimes in East and Southeast Asia”. Citizenship Studies 25 (4): 491-513.

33. Low Choo Chin (2021). “Digitalization of Migration Management in Malaysia: Privatization and the Role of Immigration Service Providers.” Journal of International Migration and Integration, 22 (4): 1599 – 1627.


1. Low Choo Chin. (2013). Isu Dwi-kerakyatan dalam pembentukan Kewarganegaraan Malaysia: 1900-1965 [Dual citizenship issues during the formation of Malaysian nationality, 1900-1965]. Penang: Universiti Sains Malaysia (pp 1-185).

Book Chapters

1. Low Choo Chin (2016). “The Frontier of Belongingness: Repatriation and Citizenship of the Overseas Chinese in Colonial Malaya”. In Jaime Moreno Tejada and Bradley Tatar, Transnational Frontiers of Asia and Latin America since 1800, (pp. 241-254). London: Taylor & Francis.

2. Low Choo Chin. (2017). “Reconciling Marital Citizenship in Malaysia through Activism: Motherhood and Belongingness”. In A. Fresnoza-Flot and G. Ricordeau, Gender, migration and marital citizenship: Revisiting Southeast Asian international marriages. (pp. 59-77).  London:  Taylor & Francis.

3. Low Choo Chin (2021) “The Malayan Emergency and the Desinicization of the Malayan Chinese”. In Jeremy Taylor and Xu Lanjun, Chineseness and the Cold War:Contested Cultures and Diaspora in Southeast Asia and Hong Kong. (pp. 45-60) London: Routledge.

 Country Reports

1. Low Choo Chin (2017). Report on Citizenship Law: Malaysia and Singapore (RSCAS/GLOBALCIT-CR 2017/3). EUDO Citizenship Observatory. Italy: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies & European University Institute, pp.1-39.

2. Low Choo Chin (2016). Report on Citizenship Law: China and Taiwan (RSCAS/EUDO-CIT-CR 2016/10). EUDO Citizenship Observatory. Italy: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies & European University Institute, pp. 1-34.

3. Low Choo Chin (2017). In Defence of National Identity: The Dual Citizenship Debates in Singapore. Commentaries - EUDO Citizenship Observatory. Italy: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies & European University Institute.


  • JMS 211   Sejarah Politik Malaysia Tradisional (Traditional Political History of Malaysia)
  • JMS 313E Modern European History
  • JMS 318    Dokumen-dokumen dalam Sejarah Malaysia (Documents in the History of Malaysia)
  • JMS 528   Kajian Sejarah Tempatan (Dissertation: Local History)



Ali Samieyani

The Cultural Incorporation into Japan’s Society through Labor Market and Interracial Marriage:

A Comparative Study of Iranians and Pakistanis in Japan (Main supervisor). 2019 – current

Nor Sakinah binti Omar

Managing the deportation of undocumented migrants in Malaysia (Co-supervisor). 2016 – current



Norisah Porin

Perkembangan Adat Memuja Semangat Padi Masyarakat Kadazandusun di Membakut, Sabah, 1960-2010 (The Development of Paddy Spirits Related Ritual Among the Kadazandusun in Membakut, Sabah, 1960-2010). (Main supervisor). Graduated 2017.

Diyaodin bin Hj. Shaari

Penolakan Brunei dalam Gagasan Malaysia (Brunei’s Rejection of the Malaysian Plan). (Main supervisor). Graduated 2019.

Tan Hock Chuan

Hubungan tributari China-Melaka zaman Dinasti Ming dari tahun 1368 hingga 1511 (Sino-Malacca Tributory Relationships during the Ming Dynasty, 1368-1511). (Co-supervisor) Waiting for graduation.



  1. Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship, provided by the Australian government, 2009 - 2012.
  2. Universiti Sains Malaysia Fellowship, provided by the Ministry of Education of Malaysia, 2008 - 2012
  3. Taiwan Fellowship, provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan, Project Title: “Citizenship and Migration: Comparing Immigrant Citizenship in Taiwan and China” August - November 2016.

 Visiting fellow

1. Overseas Visiting Scholar, National Taiwan University (Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences), 1 August – 30 September 2016.

2. Overseas Visiting Scholar, Academia Sinica (Institute of Sociology) 1 October – 30 November 2016.


  1. Excellence Service Award (2016). School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
  2. Ministry of Higher Education (2017). The Malaysian Scholarly Publishing Council and Ministry of Higher Education (MAPIM-KPT) award for Best Article (Humanities and Social Sciences category).
  3. Innovative Teaching Award (2018). School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia.


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