Dr. Norizan Binti Baba Rahim
Dr. Norizan Baba Rahim Telefon : 04-6535904 Faks : 04-6576000 Emel : norizanbaba@usm.my |
Academic Qualifications:
• Ph.D (Human Resource Management) (USM)
• Master of Business Administration (MBA) (USM)
• Bachelor of Management (Bank Management) (UUM)
Professional Affiliations:
1. Associate Member, Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management (AMIHRM)
2. Member, Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM)
Key Research Areas:
1. Individual Well-Being
2. Work-related Behaviours
3. Distance Education
4. Adult Learning
5. E-Learning
Journal Articles:
1. Norizan Baba Rahim (2022). The Interaction between Teaching Competencies and Self-Efficacy in Fostering Engagement among Distance Learners: A Path Analysis Approach. Accepted for publication in MJLI, Vol. 19 (1) January 2022 (Scopus, ESCI).
2. Norizan Baba Rahim (2021). Predictive Modelling Of Individual Well-Being among Professional Engineers. Published in Geografia, Vol.17, Issue 1, February 2021 (ESCI).
3. Norizan Baba Rahim (2020). Improving Student Engagement and Behavioural Outcomes via Persistence among Distance Learners. Published in AKADEMIKA, Vol. 90, Issue 2, July 2020 (ESCI).
4. Norizan Baba Rahim, Intan Osman & Prakash V. Arumugam (2020). Linking Work-Life Balance And Employee Well-Being: Do Supervisor Support And Family Support Moderate The Relationship?. Published in IJBS, Vol. 21, No 2, 2020 (Scopus, ESCI).
5. Norizan Baba Rahim (2020). The Interaction between Protean Career Orientation, Career Goal Development and Well-being Outcomes: Evidence from Professional Engineers. Published in GamaIJB Vol. 22, No 1 (2020): January-April (Scopus, ESCI).
6. Norizan Baba Rahim (2019). The Effect of Work-Family Conflict towards Job Satisfaction and Emotional Well-Being: Problem-Focused Coping as Mediator. Published in Jurnal Pengurusan (UKM Journal of Management), 57(2019). (Scopus).
7. Norizan Baba Rahim (2019), Work-Family Conflict, Coping Strategies, and Flourishing: Testing for Mediation, Asian Academy of Management Journal (AAMJ), 24, No. 2, 169-195 (Scopus, ESCI).
8. Norizan Baba Rahim, Intan Osman & Prakash V. Arumugam (2019), Evaluating Work-Life Balance and Individual Well-Being with the Moderating Role of Organisational Climate, Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (JSSH), 27(4), 2731-2752 (Scopus, ESCI).
9. Norizan Baba Rahim (2017). Leveraging the Psychological Well-Being among Malaysian Engineers: The Role of Protean Career Orientation and Career Strategy Implementation, Jurnal Pengurusan (UKM Journal of Management), 49, 53-65 (Scopus).
10. Norizan Baba Rahim & Siti Rohaida Mohamed Zainal (2016). The Influence of Proactive Career Behaviours on Psychological Well-being among Malaysian Engineers, Global Business Review, 17(3_suppl), 30S-44S. (Scopus).
11. Norizan Baba Rahim & Siti Rohaida Mohamed Zainal (2015). Embracing Psychological Well-Being among Professional Engineers in Malaysia: The Role of Protean Career Orientation and Career Exploration. Published in IJEM 9 (S): 45-66 (Scopus).
12. Norizan Baba Rahim & Siti Rohaida Mohamed Zainal (2015), Career Satisfaction and Psychological Well-Being among Professional Engineers in Malaysia: The Effect of Career Goal Development. Published in AAMJ Vol. 20, No. 2, 127-146, 2015. (Scopus, ESCI).
13. Norizan Baba Rahim & Siti Rohaida Mohamed Zainal (2015), Protean Career Orientation and Career Goal Development: Do they Predict Engineer's Psychological Well-being?, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 172, 270-277.
14. Norizan Baba Rahim & Siti Rohaida Mohamed Zainal (2015), Does Protean Career Orientation Effect The Individual Well-Being? A Study Among Malaysian Engineers, Journal of Human Resource Management Volume XVIII, 1/2015 (JHRM).
15. Norizan Baba Rahim & Siti Rohaida Mohamed Zainal (2014), Assessing The Level Of Individual Well-Being Among Engineers: Career Goal Development As A Predictor, International Journal of Business and Technopreneurship 4(3), 337-355. (IJBT).
16. Tajul Ariffin Masron, Zamri Ahmad & Norizan Baba Rahim (2012), Key Performance Indicators vs Key Intangible Performance among Academic Staff: A Case Study of a Public University in Malaysia, Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences, 56, 494-503..
Conference Proceedings:
1. Norizan Baba Rahim (2021). Exploring the Link between Safety Variables and Well-Being Outcomes in Malaysian Manufacturing Sector: A Conceptual Framework. 4th International Conference on Tourism, Technology and Business Management 2021 (4th ICETTBM 2021),
01st - 02nd August 2021, Kelantan, Malaysia
2. Norizan Baba Rahim (2021). Enhancing Quality of Work Life via Safety Variables in Malaysian Manufacturing Industries: A Conceptual Framework. 2nd International Conference on Economics, Education, Social Sciences and Engineering 2021 (2nd ICEESE 2021), 10th July 2021, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
3. Norizan Baba Rahim (2021). Dynamic Safety Interactions for Improving Quality of Work Life: A Proposed Conceptual Framework for Engineers in Manufacturing Industries. 2nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Social Sciences, Islamic and Technology 2021 (2nd ICMASIT 2021), 03rd July 2021, Langkawi, Malaysia.
4. Norizan Baba Rahim (2020). The Integration of Competencies and Self-Efficacy towards Engagement: Findings from a Pilot Study. 2nd International Research Conference on Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences and Technology 2020 (2nd IRCMST 2020), 11th July 2020, Penang, Malaysia.
5. Norizan Baba Rahim (2020). A Pilot Study to Examine Engagement and Behavioural Outcomes through Persistence. Penang International Conference on Economics, Society and Technology (PICEST 2020), 28th March 2020, Penang, Malaysia.
6. Norizan Baba Rahim (2019). Developing Conceptual Understanding on Engagement, Persistence and Outcomes for Distance Learners, 2nd International Conference on Global Business and Social Science (ICGBSS, 2019), 25th - 26th September 2019, Penang, Malaysia.
7. Norizan Baba Rahim (2019), Integrating Competencies and Self-Efficacy to Increase Engagement: A Proposed Conceptual Framework for Distance Learners, International Conference on Interdisciplinary, Social Science, Business, Technology and Education (ISBTEC 2019), 13th - 14th July 2019, Penang, Malaysia.
8. Norizan Baba Rahim (2018), Assessing Online Learners’ Well-Being Outcomes Using Partial Least Square Approach, ,3rd International Conference on Business Management ,7th-8th October 2018, Penang, Malaysia.
9. Norizan Baba Rahim (2018), Does Problem-Focused Coping Helping the Online Learners in Managing Work-Family Conflict and Maintaining Well-Being?, 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Technology, 4th-5th August 2018, Penang, Malaysia.
10. Norizan Baba Rahim, Intan Osman & Prakash V. Arumugam, Work-Life Balance and Individual Well-Being: The Moderating Effect of Organisational Climate, 3rd International Conference on Human Capital and Knowledge Management (ICHCKM 2017), 10th October, 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
11. Norizan Baba Rahim, Intan Osman & Prakash V. Arumugam, Do Supervisor and Family Support Moderate the Relationship between Work- Life Balance and Individual Well-Being? Evidence from Open Distance Learning (ODL) University, SIBR Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research, 6th -7th July, 2017, Osaka, Japan.
12. Norizan Baba Rahim & Siti Rohaida Mohamed Zainal (2014), Protean Career Orientation and Career Goal Development: Do They Predict Engineer’s Psychological Well-Being?, Global Conference on Business and Social Sciences, 15th -16th December, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
13. Norizan Baba Rahim & Siti Rohaida Mohamed Zainal (2014), Embracing Psychological Well-Being among Professional Engineers in Malaysia: The Role of Protean Career Orientation and Career Exploration, National Research & Innovation Conference for Graduate Students in Social Sciences, 5th -7th December 2014, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan.
14. Norizan Baba Rahim & Siti Rohaida Mohamed Zainal (2013), Individual Well-Being among Engineers in Malaysia: The Effect of Protean Career Orientation, , 1st International Conference on Human Capital and Knowledge Management (HCKM2013), 3rd - 4th December, 2013, UTM, Kuala Lumpur.
15. Tajul Ariffin Masron, Zamri Ahmad & Norizan Baba Rahim (2012), Key Performance Indicators vs Key Intangible Performance among Academic Staff: A Case Study of a Public University in Malaysia, 4th Regional Conference on Engineering Education and Research in Higher Education (RHEd 20212), 10th -12th April 2012, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.
School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia
SA 2019/2020; 2020/2021; 2021/2022
1. Business Mathematics
2. International Business
3. Business Ethics
4. Management Seminar
5. Management Project
SA 2018/2019
1. Operation Management
2. Financial Markets and Institutions
3. Business Research Method
4. Management Seminar
5. Management Project
SA 2017/2018
1. Corporate Finance
2. Financial Derivative
3. Business Mathematics
School of Business & Administration (SBA), Wawasan Open University
(Semester: July 2016, Jan 2017, July 2017 & Jan 2018)
1. Human Resource Management (UG, ODL)
2. Strategic Management (UG, ODL)
3. Strategic Management (PG, ODL)
4. Strategic Management (UG, OCL)
5. Human Resource Management (UG, OCL)
6. International Human Resource Management (UG, OCL)
7. Organisational Development and Change (UG, OCL)
PhD Candidate (on-going):
1. Li Lanxin
2. He Xinyi
Master Candidate (on-going):
1. Siti Fatimah Binti Mohd Kassim
2. Norhasyimah Binti Othaman
Research Grant:
1. 304/PJJAUH/6315240, Framing Student Engagement In Distance Education, RM22,750,
01st March 2019 - 31th November 2021 (completed) (Project Leader)
2. WOU/IRI/2016 (0021), Stakeholder’s Expectation On Employee Well-Being: A Case Study Of Open Distance Learning (ODL) University, RM30,000, 01st November 2016 - 31st October 2017 (completed), (Project Leader)
Editorial Board:
Editor of Jurnal Pengurusan (JP), UKM starting from 1st June 2021 to 16th May 2024
Journal Reviewer:
1. Asian Academic of Management Journal (AAMJ), USM
No of Papers Reviewed – 12
2. Jurnal Pengurusan (JP), UKM
No of Papers Reviewed – 9
3. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (JSSH), UPM
No of Papers Reviewed – 3
4. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business (GamaIJB), UGM
No of Papers Reviewed – 6
5. Geografia - Malaysian Journal of Society and Space (GMJSS), UKM
No of Papers Reviewed – 1
6. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), UUM
No of Papers Reviewed – 2
7. Akademika - Journal of Southeast Asia Social Sciences and Humanities, UKM
No of Papers Reviewed – 1
Adjunct Course Coordinator for Wawasan Open University (WOU):
Employee Resourcing (UG, ODL), Semester: Jan 2018.
Instructor for Literature Search and Review, School of Business & Administration, Wawasan Open University:
1. 18th Residential School & Project Workshop (24th March 2018)
2. 17th Residential School & Project Workshop (28th October 2017)
3. 16th Residential School & Project Workshop (29th April 2017)
4. 15th Residential School & Project Workshop (22nd October 2016)
Participating in Training/Seminar:
1. Seminar of Learning Outcome by Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA), 30th November 2017
2. OpenLearning.com , 14th & 20th November 2017
3. Audio-Video Making and Editing, 13th & 21st November 2017
4. Workshop on Open Education Resources (OER) Search, Selection and Integration for Course
Development, 3rd & 4th October 2017
5. Client Service Charter Training, 19th September 2017
6. Learning Management System (LMS) Training, 18th September 2017
7. Developing Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs) and Guidelines for Marking, 18th & 24th May 2017
8. Workshop on using WizIQ, 11th & 12th April 2017
9. Open Based Education (OBE): Issues and Challenges in Setting Exam papers, 16th & 23rd March, 2017
10. Open Based Education (OBE) Training, 8th Feb 2017
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