Research Area:
Writing Skills
Online Learning
Technology Tools
Research Grant:
1.USM Short Term Grant. Exploring the use of online narrative writing platform in a Chinese Secondary School in Penang. RM 25,454,00 (2013- 2016 completed)
2. USM Short Term Grant. The Effectiveness of using Facebook Environment (2015-2017 completed). RM 29,907.00
3. USM Short Term Grant: Designing an Interactive University Orientation App (2019- ongoing). RM 31, 288.40
4. International Grant from Thammasat University, Thailand. The Space for learning in the online learning environment: MOOCs (2018- 2019 completed). RM16,165.90
5. External Agencies. The Use of Creativity in Teaching and Learning English in Rural Primary Schools: A Case Study. RM 10,000(2022- ongoing).
6. RUI Grant . Augmented Reality Infused STREAM Education in Teaching Climate Change for Secondary Schools: An Approach Reflects on the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR), RM45,000.00, (2022- ongoing)
Research Publication:
1. Kabilan, M. K., Annamalai, N., & Chuah, K. M. (2023). Practices, purposes and challenges in integrating gamification using technology: A mixed-methods study on university academics. Education and Information Technologies, 1-33.
2. Valūnaitė Oleškevičienė, G., Gulbinskienė, D., Mockienė, L., Annamalai, N., Suchanova, J., & Babušytė, D. (2023, January). The Challenges and Opportunities of Teaching Languages Online. In Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education: Third International Conference, TECH-EDU 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, August 31–September 2, 2022, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 373-383). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
3. Alsalhi, N. R., Al Rawashdeh, A., Eltahir, M. E., Zakarneh, B., & Annamalai, N. (2023). Challenges in online learning of English as a foreign language during the COVID-19 pandemic: Students’ perspective at Ajman University, UAE. International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, 12(2), 130-146
4. Foroughi, B., Senali, M. G., Iranmanesh, M., Khanfar, A., Ghobakhloo, M., Annamalai, N., & Naghmeh-Abbaspour, B. (2023). Determinants of Intention to Use ChatGPT for Educational Purposes: Findings from PLS-SEM and fsQCA. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1-20.
5. Annamalai, N., Eltahir, M. E., Zyoud, S. H., Soundrarajan, D., Zakarneh, B., & Al Salhi, N. R. (2023). Exploring English language learning via Chabot: A case study from a self determination theory perspective. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 100148.
6. Ong, Q. K. L., & Annamalai, N. (2023). Technological pedagogical content knowledge for twenty-first century learning skills: the game changer for teachers of industrial revolution 5.0. Education and Information Technologies, 1-42.
1. Annamalai, N., Uthayakumar, A., & Zyoud, AH. (2022). High School Teachers’ Perception of AR and VR in English Language Teaching: A Developing Country Perspective. Education and Information Technologies, publishd online. [ISI: Impact factor:3.6, Scopus Q1]
2. Annamalai, N., Ab Rashid, R., Yassin, B., Saed, H., & Smadi, O. A . (2022). Phenomenological Study of Educators’ Experience After a Year of The COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 2277. [ISI: Impact factor: 4.2, Scopus Q2]
3. Iranmanesh, M., Annamalai, N., Kumar, K.M. and Foroughi, B. (2022), "Explaining student loyalty towards using WhatsApp in higher education: an extension of the IS success model", The Electronic Library.,40(3),196-220. [ISI: Impact Factor:1.7, [Scopus Q1]
4. Annamalai, N., Quinie, Ong, Leong. L.M., & Mangaleswaran, S. (2022). Online Flipped Google Classroom: An Assistive Tool in English language learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Teaching English with Technology, In press. [Scopus Q1]
5. Annamalai, N., Kabilan, K & Soundrarajan,D. (2022). Smartphone apps as a Motivating Tool in English Language Learning. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 12(1),209-219 [Scopus Q1]
6. Annamalai, N., & Kabilan (2022). Online Teaching during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study of University Educators’ Experiences and Challenges. Studies in Education Evaluation, 74, 101182. [ISI: Impact factor: 2.7, Scopus, Q1]
8. Annamalai, N., Ab Rashid, R., Yassin, B., Saed, H., & Smadi, O. A. & Kumar, J. (2022). Online Teaching Practicum in Malaysia in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 871971 [ISI: Impact factor: 4.2, Scopus Q2]
9. Annamalai, N., Eltahir, M. E., Al Salhi, N. R., Zakarneh, B., & Zyoud, S. H. (2022). Investigation of Malaysian ESL Students’ Learning Experience of the Smartphone Applications for English Language Learning. International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, 11(4), 202-211.
10. Annamalai, N., Zakarneh, B., Eltahir, M. E., Al Salhi, N. R., & Zyoud, S. H. (2022). An Exploratory Study of Non-Technological Gamified Lessons in a Lithuanian ESL Classroom. International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, 11(4), 167-180.
11. Giedrė, V., Karaciejūtė, V., Gulbinskienė, D., & Annamalai, N. (2022). Lithuanian Discourse Markers in Parallel Corpus for Teaching Translation Awareness. Pedagogika, 145(1) 117-134 [Scopus Q4]
12. Al Arabi, K. S., Alsalhi, N. R., Al Qawasmi, A. A., Annamalai, N., & Al-Qatawneh, S. (2022). The Effect of School Principals' Emotional Intelligence (EI) on Teachers' Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB): A Case Study on the UAE School. Social Space, 22(3), 30-49.
1. Mohamed Ali Khan, N. S., Karpudewan, M., & Annamalai, N. (2021). Moving Beyond the One- Size-Fits-All Model in Describing the Climate Conserving Behaviors of Malaysian Secondary Students. Sustainability, 13(1), 18. [ISI: Impact factor: 2.5]
2. Annamalai, N.,Tangiisuran, B & Daud A. (2021).Transitioning to online clerkship during unprecedented times: An innovative online flipped in-patient clerkship. Innovation in Education and Teaching International. 1-12[ ISI: Impact factor: 1.9, Scopus Q1]
3. Annamalai, N., Thurasamy, R., Kumar, J., & Osman, S. (2021). Learning Management Systems (LMS) for distance education in Malaysia: A mixed-method approach.Open Learning. Contemporary Educational Technology, 13(3), 1-15 [ Scopus Q1]
4. Annamalai, N., Mazeikiene, V., Tangiisuran B., & Oleskevicience. (2021). How do students really interact? An investigation of Lithuanian students’ interactions via Smartphone Apps. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 18(1), 65-83. [ Scopus Q1]
5. Annamalai, N. (2021). Online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Are Malaysian high school students ready? PERTANIKA, 29 (3), 1571-1590 [ESCI, Scopus Q1]
6. Rashid, R. A., Annamalai, N., Saed, H., Yassin, B., & Al-Smadi, O. A. (2021). Developing an Interactive University Orientation App: Potential Users' Feedback. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 15(22),165-171[Scopus Q2]
7. Annamalai, N., Quinie, Ong, Leong. L.M., & Mangaleswaran, S. Online Flipped Classroom in English Language Grammar Learning During the Unprecedented Times. Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education.36(2),141-163. [Scopus Q3]
8. Annamalai, N., Kabilan, M. K., Rashid, R. A., Oleskevicience, G. V., & Vaičiūnienė, V. (2021). English Language Learning Through Non-Technology Games: A Case Study of International Students at a Lithuanian University. Qualitative Report, 26(10),3261-3278 [Scopus Q1]
9. Arasu, D. B. L., Mohamed, A. S. A., Ruhaiyem, N. I. R., Annamalai, N., Lutfi, S. L., & Al Qudah, M. M. (2021). Human Stress Recognition from Facial Thermal-Based Signature: A Literature Survey. CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES. Onlinefirst [ISI:Impact factor:1.59, Scopus Q3]
1. Annamalai,N., ForoughiB., Iranmanesh,M., & Buathong, S. (2020). Needs and Facebook Addiction:How Important Are Psycholgocial Well Being and performance-Approach Goals. Current Psychology, 39(1942-1953) [ ISI:Impact factor:1.4,Scopus Q2]
2. Kumar,J., Bervell, B., Annamalai N., & Osman, S., (2020). Behavioral intention to use mobile learning: Evaluating the role of self-efficacy, subjective norm, and WhatsApp use habit. IEEE Access. 8, 208058-208074. [ISI: Impact factor:3.7, Scopus, Q1]
3. Annamalai, N., & Kumar, J. A. (2020). Understanding Smartphone use Behavior among Distance Education Students in Completing their Coursework in English: A Mixed-Method Approach. The Reference Librarian, 1-17. [Scopus, Q2]
4. Durão, N., Moreira, F., Ferreira, M. J., Santos-Pereira, C., & Annamalai, N. (2020). The state of mobile learning supported by gamification and augmented reality in higher education institutions across three continents. Revista EDaPECI São Cristóvão (SE), 20(1) 130-137.
1. Annamalai, N. (2019). Using WhatsApp to extend learning in a blended classroom environment . Teaching English with Technolog,. 19(1) 3-20. [ Scopus, Q1]
2. Annamalai, N., (2019) . The use of Web 2.0 Technology Tools and beyond in Enhancing Task Based language Learning: A case study. The English Teacher, 48 (1)29-44 [Era]
3. Annamalai, N., Noonin, S., & Buathong, S. (2019). Perception Matters: Exploring Thai lecturers’ views, preferences and needs of MOOCs. The Reference Librarian,60, (4)310-328 [ Scopus Q2]
4. Krishnaswamy, J., Hossain, Z., Kavigtha, M. K., & Annamalai, N. (2019). What matters for higher education success of private educational institutions? Senior students’ perceptions in Malaysia. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 11(3) 616-635 [ Scopus, Q2]
5. Krishnaswamy, J., Seow S. K., & Annamalai, N. (2019). The Shadow Education System: Students’ Responses to Private Tutorial Learning”. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instructio,. 16(2) 201-225 [ Scopus, Q1]
6. Annamalai, N., & Noonin, S. (2019). Malaysian lecturers’ perception of MOOCs. JONUS. 4(2) 144-167. [ ESCI]
Annamalai, N. (2018). A Case Study of the Online Interactions among ESL Students to Complete Their Narrative Writing Task. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 6(1), 1-17. [ERIC,DOAJ]
Annamalai, N., Kabilan, M. K., & Annamalai. (2018) Enhancing Meaningful Learning of Poems Using Edmodo. PERTANIKA, 26(2) 841-858. [ESCI, Scopus Q1]
Annamalai, N. (2018). Exploring the use of Facebook and other social media in pre-service teacher education. The English Teacher Journal, 47(1) 1-14. [Era]
Annamalai, N. (2018). How Do We Know What is Happening in WhatsApp: A Case Study Investigating Pre-Service Teachers’ online Activity Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 15(2). 207-225. [ Scopus Q1, ESCI]
Annamalai, N. (2017). An investigation into the Community of Inquiry model in the Malaysian ESL learners’ context. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 14(3), 246-263. [ Scopus, Q1: ESCI]
Annamalai, N. (2017). Exploring Students Use of Facebook in Formal Learning Contexts. Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics, 2(2), 91-106.
Annamalai, N. (2017). Using the Community of Inquiry Model (CoI) to investigate the quality of ESL students’ narrative writing in an asynchronous online discussion. Malaysian Journal of Languages and Linguistics (MJLL), 6(2), 67-84.
Annamalai, N., & Jaganathan, P. (2017). Exploring students’ reflective writing on Facebook. In The EuroCALL Review (Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 3-17). Universitat Politècnica de València.
Annamalai, N. (2016). Exploring the Writing Approaches in the" Facebook" Environment. Teaching English with Technology, 16(1), 71-87.[Scopus Q1]
Annamalai, N., Tan, K. E. & Amelia Abdullah (2016). Teaching presence in an online collaborative learning environment. PERTANIKA, 24(1), 197-212. [Scopus Q1]
Annamalai, N., & Tan, K. E. (2015). Exploring Two Teachers' Engagement with Their Students in an Online Writing Environment. The EuroCALL Review, 23(2), 58-73.
Annamalai, N., Tan K. E, Amelia Abdullah, and Sivagurunathan, S.(2015). Exploring the Interactions on an Online Narrative Writing Platform." Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction,12, 103-129. [ Scopus, Q1]
Annamalai, N., & Kok, E. T. (2014). Social presence of the Community of Inquiry (CoI) model on an online narrative writing platform via Facebook. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research, 10(2), 18.
Annamalai, N. Tan, K. E. & Amelia Abdullah (2013). Exploring the Effects of an Online Writing Platform on Students' Performance in Narrative Writing. Malaysian Journal of Distance Education.15(2),1-18.
Other Publication:
Annamalai, N.(2017). Communicating key to attracting tourists. News Straits Times. Feb 11th, 2017. From
Annamalai, N.(2016). ICT boosts students’ learning. News Straits Times. August 1st 2016
Annamalai, N. (2016). Online environment for Malaysian students. News Straits Times.December 18th. pg 8.
Jayaraman,Raman & Annamalai,(2016). A focus on students boosts world rankings.News Straits Times.29thJune. pg 18.
Annamalai, N. (2014). Critical Reading(ELL 304/05). Unit 1 Main Ideas and Inferences. School of Education, Languages and Communication Faculty
Annamalai, N. (2014). Critical Reading(ELL 304/05). Unit 2. Pattern of Organization
Annamalai, N. (2014). Critical Reading(ELL 304/05). Unit 3. Language and Its Effects on the Reader
Annamalai, N. (2014). Critical Reading(ELL 304/05). Unit 4. Point of View,Tone, and Allusion
Annamalai, N. (2014). Critical Reading(ELL 304/05). Unit 5. Analysing and Evaluating Arguments
Annamalai, N. (2002). English Revision Workbook for PMR. Infodidik
PhD (Completed):
- Quinie Ong Kooi Loo Exploring the effects of an online learning platform of students self-efficacy in learning(2023)
PhD (On-going):
Siti Yusriza binti Abdullah (2018). Literature Online:Teaching and Learninig of Literature Courses for Trainees in Institute of Teacher Education Through Blended and Flipped learning (Main Supervisior)
Wong Yee Chiek (2018). Investigating the impact of Word Mapping on students Vocabulary Achievements and Students’ Perception at Primary School level (Main Supervisior)
Muhamad Rashid (2019). Developing accuracy in academic writing at intermediate level through the process approach and interactional activites
Arathai din Eak (2021). Development of Tutor Guide for Improving the Quality of Online Assignment Feedback Amone ESL Tutors in OL contexts
Arulselvi Uthayakumaran (2021). What lies beyond us. Investigating Computational Thinking Skills through Alternative Assessment among ESL Undergraduate Engineering Students.
Lin Fajiha. Using WeChat Public Platform to Design and Implementation of Mobile Blended Learning Model in an English Classroom Environment.
Harpreet Kaur (2022).The Impact of Hybrid Teaching Approach On Students Learning.
Najla Al Harbi (2023). Studying the Effects of Applying Flipped Classroom Model in the Online Distance Learning Environment
Yang Qianhua. (2023) The Construction and Application of Structuralized Teaching Method in English Teaching
Niu Chuhan. (2022)Exploring the Innovative Teaching Modes of TESOL in Higher Vocational Education Using Digitization.
Huang Rong. A Study on SPOC-Based Multimodal EOP Teaching Model for Vocational Colleges.
Master (On-going):
- Zhan Miao Sheng (2022). The Application of Task -Based teaching method to High School Students in IELTS Oral Teaching in China
- Deepa Soundarajan (2021).Using gamification to Enhance English Language Proficiency and Computer Literacy among Students from the B40 Household in Penang
1. The Impact of Screen-Captured Video Feedback on Students 'Learning and satisfaction in open distance learning. (2023). Penang International Invention, Innovation and Design. Silver
2. International Virtual Educational Design,Innovation competition, Universiti Teknologi Mara, International Virtual Educational Design,Invention& Innovation Competiton, 2022 (International). Gold
3. Enhancing Higher Impact research and Innovation in the new norm, Institute Teacher of Education Sultan Abdul Halim Campus, Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia , SAH iconferenceEd, 2022 (National). Silver
4. Excellent Academic Award. 2017 from School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia
5. Noor Azlinda and Annamalai, A. (2018). GIGvaganza in Tertiary Education: A Holistic Learning design for ESL Learners in Learning Grammar in the Creative and Innovative teaching and learning of Languages (2018). Gold
6. Nominated for Excellent Thesis 2014 for research on “Using and Interacting on an Online Narrative Writing platform: An Exploratory Study”
Innovative Methods in Teaching and Learning English. 28th and 29th February 2020.International Conference and Social Consciousness and progression in English Language and Literature,Krishnagiti District, Tamil Nadu, India.
A Minimalistic Active Learning Approach in Times of a Crisis.17th and 18th March 2021. A Two Days Virtual Conference on Innovation Science Engineering, Management and Social Sciences, Malawi.
Active Learning in Times of Crisis.25th June 2020.Online faculty development Programme on Reinforcing Skills and Technology for Successful career Development. Adhiyaman Arts and Science College for Women, India.
Panic-gogy Practices while Social Distancing.12th June 2020.A Five day International Online Guest Lecture Series.Vels Institute of Science, Technology &Advanced Studies, India.
English language Assessment during Lockdown Period. 21st September 2020. International Webinar on “English Language Teaching & Assessment. Thiruvennainallur-University, India.
Publish or Perish.Program ACE@PPPJJ-Academician Career Excellence 19th September 2022, USM, Malaysia
Training Course:
Enhancing Research Skills for Thesis Success (2023)
Polishing your Communication Skills: Harnessing the Power of Voice (2023)
Community Engagement:
Universiti Sains Malaysia Thaipusam Thaneerpanthal 2023
Team Manager of the World Taekwondo Malaysia Open GI Championship 2018
Team Manager of the Penang Junior and Senior Taekwondo Team (2017)