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Key Research Area:     

  • Microwave Sensors
  • Microwave Absorbers/ Microwave Shieldings
  • Medical Imaging
  • Dosimetry
  • Polymer Gel Dosimeter


  • National

Nor Zakiah Binti Yahaya, Chuah Lee Siang, Nurul Zahirah Binti Noor Azman, PROF. MADYA DR. ZULKIFLY ABBAS, Electromagnetic Modeling of Microwave Moisture Sensors for Mangoes (Mangifera indica L.), KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI, RM65,440.00, 02/11/2015-01/05/2018 (Completed)

  • University 

Nor Zakiah Binti Yahaya, HASLIZA A. RAHIM, Nik Noor Ashikin Bt Nik Ab Razak, Shukri Bin Sulaiman, Realistic Numerical and Physical Breast Phantoms For Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) Microwave Breast Imaging Technique, USM (RU), RM96,110.11, 01/04/2018-30/06/2021, (Active)

Nor Zakiah Binti Yahaya, Ahmad Fairuz Bin Omar, Iskandar Shahrim Bin Mustafa, Development of an Interdigital Microwave Sensor for Determination of Moisture Content of Hevea Rubber Latex, USM (JANGKA PENDEK), RM37,586.40, 01/11/2014-31/10/2016, (Completed (With Report))


  • International

Nurul Zahirah Binti Noor Azman, Nik Noor Ashikin Bt Nik Ab Razak, Nor Zakiah Binti Yahaya, Fabrication of Electrospun Heavy Elements-Epoxy Mats as X-ray Shielding Material,Nippon Sheet Glass Foundation for Materials Science and Engineering, RM21,758.09, 01/01/2016-31/12/2017, (Active )

  • National

Shukri Bin Sulaiman, HARISON BINTI ROZAK, Mohd Ghows Bin Mohd Azzam, Mohd Nazalan Bin Mohd Najimudin, Nor Zakiah Binti Yahaya, PROFESOR ISAO WATANABE, Shaharum Bin Shamsuddin, Wan Nurfadhilah Binti Zaharim, Effects of Methylation on Electron Transport in Double Strand DNA, KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA, RM243,520.00, 01/01/2020-31/12/2021, (Active)

  • University 

Nik Noor Ashikin Bt Nik Ab Razak, Azlan Bin Abdul Aziz, Mohd Hafiz Bin Mohd Zin, Nor Zakiah Binti Yahaya, Nurul Zahirah Binti Noor Azman, A Novel 3D Dosimeter with Electrospun Nano-Scaffold Polymer Composites For Dose Verification In Clinical Radiation Therapy Application,USM (RU) , RM70,000.00, 01/09/2018-31/08/2021, (Active)

Shukri Bin Sulaiman, Hasni Bin Arsad, ISAO WATABAE, Nor Zakiah Binti Yahaya, Investigation on the Electronic Structures and Magnetic Properties of Gold Nanoclusters Using Muon Science and First-Principle Computational Technique, USM (RU), RM96,362.00, 01/04/2018-31/12/2020, (Active)


  1. Rosli, S.J.; Rahim, H.A.; Abdul Rani, K.N.; Ngadiran, R.; Ahmad, R.B.; Yahaya, N.Z.; Abdulmalek, M.; Jusoh, M.; Yasin, M.N.M.; Sabapathy, T.; Andrew, A.M. A Hybrid Modified Method of the Sine Cosine Algorithm Using Latin Hypercube Sampling with the Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Optimization Problems. Electronics 20209, 1786.
  2. Mustaqim, A. S., Yahaya, N. Z., Razak, N. N. A., & Zin, H. (2020). The dose enhancement of MAGAT gel dosimeter doped with zinc oxide at 6 MV photon beam. Radiation Physics and Chemistry172, 108739.
  3. Jasmine, J. N. Z., Ramzun, M. R., Zahirah, N. A. N., Azhar, A. R., Al-M Hana, M., Zakiah, Y. N., & Yasmin, M. R. (2020, March). Study of radiation attenuation ability of clay and cement mixture with added eggshell. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1497, p. 012010).
  4. Ahmad, S. N. A., Sulaiman, S., Baseri, D. F. H., Ang, L. S., Yahaya, N. Z., Arsad, H., & Watanabe, I. (2020). Density Functional Theory Studies of Muon Stopping Sites and Hyperfine Interaction in [Au25 (SR) 18] 0 Nanocluster. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan89(1), 014301.
  5. Ayob, Nur Syuhada, Maizan Ramli, Ramzun, Mustaqim Khaizir, Ahmad Shafawi, Zakaria, Nurul Sabihah, Syahidah Binti Azmi, Nusaibah & Yahaya, Nor Zakiah. (2020). Rice Husk As An Alternative Material For Microwave Absorber. doi:10.15405/epsbs.2020.03.03.93
  6. Yah, N. F. N., Rahim, H. A., Abdulmalek, M., Lee, Y. S., Yahaya, N. Z., Jusoh, M., ... & Mirza, S. (2019, March). Ultrathin Metamaterial Microwave Absorber Using Coconut Coir Fibre over X-Band Frequency Range. In 2019 International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and their Applications (ICCSPA) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
  7. Buang, S., Subri, E. D., Kandaiya, S., Razak, N. N. A. N. A., & Yahaya, N. Z. (2018). Gafchromic XRQA-2 film for Strontium-90/Yttrium-90 (Sr-90/Y-90) Detection. JPhCS1083(1), 012063.
  8. Yahaya, N. Z., Ayob, N. S., Ramli, R. M., Razak, N. A. N. A., Azman, N. Z. N., & Rahim, H. A. (2018). Microwave Dielectric Properties for Detection of ‘Harumanis’ Mangoes Ripeness. JPhCS1083(1), 012020.
  9. Yahaya, N. Z., Salim, S. R., Mustafa, I. S., Razak, N. N. A., & Zahid, L. (2018). Effects of Grain Sizes on Rice Husk Ash Composite as Microwave Absorber. JPhCS1083(1), 012051.
  10. Mustaqim, A. S., Kandaiya, S., Razak, N. N. A., & Yahaya, N. Z. (2018). The Gafchromic EBT3® film as alpha detector. JPhCS1083(1), 012019.
  11. Yahaya, N. Z., Ramli, M. R., Razak, N. N. A. N. A., & Abbas, Z. (2018). Finite Element Analysis of Simple Rectangular Microstrip Sensor for Determination Moisture Content of Hevea Rubber Latex. JPhCS995(1), 012044.
  12. Mustafa, I. S., Razali, N. A. N., Azman, N. Z. N., Yahaya, N. Z., Zaini, M. Z. M., Rusli, N. L., ... & Kamari, H. M. (2017). Comprehensive study of electronic polarizability and band gap of B2O3–Bi2O3–ZnO–SiO2 glass network. Journal of Advanced Dielectrics7(05), 1750031.
  13. Eng, K. Y., Kandaiya, S., & Yahaya, N. Z. (2017, May). Radiotherapy dose verification on a customised head and neck perspex phantom. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 851, No. 1, p. 012020). IOP Publishing.
  14. Al-Sahlanee, M. H. R., Ramli, R. M., Ali, M. A. H., Tawfiq, N. F., Azman, N. Z. Yahaya, N., Rahman, A. A., ... & Ayob, N. S. (2017). Trace of heavy metals in maternal and umbilical cord blood samples in association with birth outcomes in Baghdad, Iraq. In EPJ Web of Conferences (Vol. 156, p. 00003). EDP Sciences.
  15. Al-sahlanee, M. H. R., Ramli, R. M., Ali, M. A. H., Tawfiq, N. F., Rahman, A. A., Mustafa, N. Z. Yahaya, I. S., ... & Ayob, N. S. (2016, November). Analysis of Uranium concentration on maternal and umbilical cord blood samples after delivery in Iraq. In 2016 6th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE) (pp. 360-365). IEEE.
  16. Al-Marri, H. M., Ramli, R. M., Al-sahlanee, M. H. R., Azman, N. Z. N., Rahman, A. A., Mustafa, I. S., ... & Yahaya, N. Z. (2016, November). Fetal biometry assessment of biparietal diameter for Saudi Arabia population and comparison with other countries. In 2016 6th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE) (pp. 366-369). IEEE.
  17. Razak, N. N. A., Rahman, A. A., Kandaiya, S., Mustafa, I. S., Mahmoud, A. A., & Yahaya, N. Z. (2016). Optimisation of the MAGAT gel dosimeter compositions. International Journal of Radiation Research14(4), 305.
  18. Azman, N. Z. N., Musa, N. F., Ab Razak, N. N. N., Ramli, R. M., Mustafa, I. S., Rahman, A. A., & Yahaya, N. Z. (2016). Effect of Bi 2 O 3 particle sizes and addition of starch into Bi 2 O 3–PVA composites for X-ray shielding. Applied Physics A122(9), 818.
  19. Mustafa, I. S., Razali, N. A. N., Ibrahim, A. R., Yahaya, N. Z., & Kamari, H. M. (2015). From rice husk to transparent radiation protection material. Jurnal Intelek9(2).
  20. Yahaya, N. Z., Abbas, Z., Norimi, A. M., Yahaya, M. Z., Razak, N. N. A. A., & Mustafa, I. S. (2015, August). A simple rectangular microstrip technique for determination of moisture content in Hevea rubber latex. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1674, No. 1, p. 020011). AIP Publishing LLC.
  21. Yahaya, N. Z., Abbas, Z., Yahaya, M. Z., Norimi, A., Abd Razak, N. N. A., & Mustafa, I. S. (2015). Development of Calibration Equation Based on Complex Permittivity of Hevea Rubber Latex. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences3(3).
  22. Ab Razak, N. N. A. N., Rahman, A. A., Kandaiya, S., Mustafa, I. S., Yahaya, N. Z., & Mahmoud, A. A. J. (2015). Accuracy and Precision of MAGAT Gel as a Dosimeter. Material Science Research India12(1), 01-08.
  23. Ab Razak, N. N. A. N., Azhar, A. R., Iskandar, S. M., Ramzun, M. R., Zakiah, Y. N., Zahirah, N. A. N., & Amer-al-Jarrh, M. (2015). Choice of Evaluation Imaging Technique for MAGAT Polymer Gel Dosimeter. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences3(2).
  24. Yahaya, N. Z., Abbas, Z., Ibrahim, N. M., Hafizi, M. H. M., & Yahaya, M. Z. (2014). Permittivity models for determination of moisture content in Hevea Rubber Latex. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering7(5), 48-54.
  25. Yahaya, N. Z., Abbas, Z., Ali, B. M., Ismail, A., & Ansarudin, F. (2014). Intercomparison of methods for determination of resonant frequency shift of a microstrip patch antenna loaded with hevea rubber latex. Journal of Sensors2014.
  26. Ab Razak, N. N. A. N., Abd Rahman, A., Kandaiya, S., Shahrim, I., Zakiah, N., Yahaya, N. F. Z., & Yann, E. K. (2014). Role of anti-oxidants on normoxic methacrylic acid gelatin (MAG) polymer gel dosimeter at 6-MV photon beam using single spin echo MRI. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences18(2), 423-433.
  27. Ansarudin, F., Abbas, Z., Hassan, J., Yahaya, N. Z., & Ismail, M. A. (2012). A simple insulated monopole sensor technique for determination of moisture content in Hevea Rubber Latex. Measurement Science Review12(6), 249-254.
  28. Yahaya, N., Abbas, Z., Ismail, M., & Ali, B. M. (2012). Determination of moisture content of hevea rubber latex using a microstrip patch antenna. Progress In Electromagnetics Research1291.



  • Main Supervisor

Nusaibah Syahidah Binti Azmi, 2019, Doctor of Philosophy, Research - Full Time, REALISTIC PHYSICAL BREAST PHANTOMS FOR ULTRA-WIDE BAND (UWB) MICROWAVE BREAST IMAGING TECHNIQUE, Main Supervisor (AKTIF)

  • Co-Supervisor

Nur Syuhada Binti Ayob, 2016, Doctor of Philosophy, Research - Part Time, Characterization of Human Hand Anatomy for Biometric Recognition Purposes Using Ultrasound Imaging Technique, Co-supervisor (AKTIF) 

Master degree

  • Main Supervisor

Ahmad Shafawi Mustaqim Bin Khaizir, 2017, Master, Research - Full Time, Dosimetric And Physical Properties of Magat Gel Dosimeter Doped with Zinc Oxide At 6 MV Photon Beam, Main Supervisor (GRADUATED) 


  • Achievements and Awards

    • Fellow under National Science Fellowship (NSF), MOSTI (2009-2013)
    • Gold medal Award for MIExpo 2013 (26-28 September 2013)
    • Silver medal Award for PECIPTA 2009 (8-10 October 2009)
    • Dean’s Award for academic Excellence (2007/2008)
    • Dean’s Award for academic Excellence (2006/2007) 

    Academic Recognition and Leadership

    • Programme Chairperson, Physics Program Chairperson, 01/01/2016-31/12/2018 (School)
    • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Information Sysyem and Technology MAnagement (JISTM), 01/11/2017 - current (International)
    • Members, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2016-current (International)
    • Members, Persatuan Sains & Teknologi Keadaan Pepejal Malaysia (MASS), - (National)
    • MENTORING TEKNIKAL YOUTH INDUSTRY BOOTCAMP, USM in collaboration with CREST,20/03/2018 - 20/03/2018 (University)