Key Reasearch Area:
- Physical Chemistry
- Electrochemistry
- Polymer
- Nanomaterial
- Anis Tasnim Md. Yusof, Nasrul Aizuddin Ab. Fatah, Dasma wati Mohamad, Nora Aziz, 2020. Adsorption Capability of Activated Carbon Prepared From Silica Extracted Rice Husk by Chemical Activation. Proceeding of 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research. Vol 1- 978-989-758-437-4, 11-18.
- Anis Tasnim Md. Yusof, Razali Idris, Hafiz Syazali Shari, 2018. Conductvity Study of diethylene glycol dibutyl ether (BDG) plasticizer on epoxidized natural rubber-50 (ENR50) polymer based electrolyte system. Material Today: Proceeding, 1654-1660.
- R. Idris, A. Tasnim, MRM Hakim, DH. Mohd, 2009. Epoxidised Natural Rubber based Composite Polymer Electrolyte Systems for use in Electrochemical Device Application, AIP Conference Proceeding, 1169, 190.
Epoxidized Natural Rubber (ENR50) Based Solid Polymer Electrolyte System Using Dry Internal Mixing for Use in Electrochemical Device Application ,USM (INSENTIF) , RM5,000.00, 21/10/2011-20/04/2013, (Completed (Achieve KPIs) )
Penggunaan Paya Binaan untuk Rawatan Air Sisa daripada Kolam Ternakan Ikan Air Tawar ,USM (JANGKA PENDEK) , RM32,221.00, 15/11/2010-14/10/2013, (Completed (With Report) )
Undergraduate Supervision
- Macthelina Anak Magrin, Corrosion Behaviour Using Soy Bean Extract. Main Supervisor, Active 2021/2022
- Norhana binti Md. Arshad, Determination Fatty Acid in Virgin Coconut Oil Extracted from Different Geographical Region of Coconut Crops. Main Supervisor, Active 2021/2022
- Noorhana Binti Mohamad Darul Napis, Corrosion Behavior of Aluminium Alloy in Hydrochloric Acid Medium Using Tamarind Shell Tannin Extracts as Green Inhibitors, Main Supervisor, Completed 2021
- Thayalan A/l Jaganthan, Preparation and Characterization of Epoxidized natural rubber 50/Polylactic Acid based Solid polymer Electrolyte, Main Supervisor, Completed 2020
- Wan Abdul Halim Bin Mohd Yusoff, The Study of Permeation Rate of HDPE + Nylon Liner by Methane Gas On Different Pressure For CNG Storage, Main Supervisor, Completed 2019
- Nasrul Aizuddin Bin Ab Fatah, Activated Carbon From Rice Husk, Main Supervisor, Completed 2018.
- Ahmad Rashidi Bin Abu Bakar, Determination of DPA(Diphenylamine) in Gun Propellants by HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatoghraphy) Using USE (Ultrasonic Extraction) and DCM (Dichloromethane) Method., Main Supervisor, Completed 2016.
- Ravi A/l Vinayagamuerty, The Effect of Poly(vinylacetate) (PVAc) Glass Transition Temperature on the Effectiveness of Extraction Method in Removing Persulphate from PVAc, Main Supervisor, Completed 2015.
- Ahmad Ridzuandy Bin Abdul Razak, The Identification and Confirmation of Chemical Composition in Tyre Pyrolisis Oil by Using Headspace Analysis Technique, Main Supervisor, Completed 2015.
- Noor Azida Binti Mohd Basri, Determination of Methamphetamine in Aqueous Solution by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Using Silica and C18 Column, Main Supervisor, Completed 2014.
- Muhammad Hidhir Khawory, Preparation and Characterization of Amphiphilic Polyhydroxyalkanoates, Main Supervisor, Completed 2013
- Muhamad Azam Bin Othman, Deproteinized Narural Rubber Having Epoxy Group Based on polymer Electrolytes for Electrochemical Device Application, Main Supervisor, Completed 2013.
- Khairul Anuar Bin Omar,The Feasibility Study of COD Online Analyzer To Be Installed at PFKSB WWTP, Main Supervisor, Completed 2012
- Sharipah Rohizan Binti Sayed Ibrahim, Determination Component of Ballpoint Ink Using Thin Layer Chromatography and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Main Supervisor, Completed 2012.
- Travel Grant, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Conference on Polymers and Organic Chemistry, Doha, Qatar (2012)
Professional Membership
- Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (since 2020 until now)
- Vice President, Badan Kebajikan Kakitangan, SDE USM, session 2020-2022.
- Treasurer, Persatuan Wanita USM, session 2020-2022.
- Committee Member, Persatuan Wanita USM, session 2018-2020.
- Committee Member, Persatuan Ibu Bapa & Guru, Sekolah Kebangsaan Jalan Baharu, Perai. (from 2019 until now)
- Organising Committee of International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (iCMR) jointly organized by School of Distance Education (SDE) USM, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, Indonesia and Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia from 2012-2014.