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Research Area:
  • History of Southeast Asia

  • China History

  • Vietnam History

Research Grant:
  1. 2023-2025. Elemen Metafora dalam Perjanjian Penyerahan Masyarakat Melayu: Kajian terhadap Perjanjian Penyerahan 1878 antara Sultan Sulu dan Gustavus Baron von Overbeck. (USM Short-term Grant). RM32,000.00. Co-Researcher

  2. 2022-2024. The Maritime Trade Between Japan and Southeast Asia in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: A Reappraisal. (Sumitomo Foundation). RM7,267.50. Project Leader.

  3. 2021-2024. Penghayatan Bahasa Melayu Melalui Aktiviti Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina Dan Tamil. (Research University Grant). RM38,000. Co-Researcher.

  4. 2021-2023. The Ending Process of Tributary System in China-Vietnam Diplomatic Relations (1858-1885). Vietnam National University Hanoi. RM51,000.00. Co-Researcher. 

  5. 2019-2022. Penelitian Terhadap Sejarah, Sosio Budaya dan Bahasa Melayu dalam Hubungan Bilateral Malaysia-China. (Research University Grant). RM85,875.90. Project Leader.

  6. 2018-2021. Tan Keng Boon: Biografi Perisik Juntong Kuomintang di Tanah Melayu Sebelum Sehingga Selepas Zaman Pendudukan Jepun, 1941-1946. (USM Short-term Grant). RM20,992.65. Co-Researcher.

  7. 2018-2021. Nasionalisme dan Pertikaian Wilayah: Perubahan Polisi Filipina ke atas Sabah dari Irredentism kepada Backburner. (USM Short-term Grant). RM20,304.00. Co-Researcher.

  8. 2017-2019. The Reorientation of Ryukyu-Malay Archipelago Relations From 14th to the 17th Century. RM20,925.60. (Sumitomo Foundation). Project Leader.

  9. 2016-2019. Marriage Migration in Malaysia: Examining the Need for Marital Citizenship and Immigration Reform. (Research University Grant). RM100,000.00. Co-Researcher.

  10. 2016-2018. Kinship in Champa and the Malay World: An Examination of Chinese Sources, 15th - 19th Centuries. (USM Short-term). RM24,367.00. Project Leader.

  11. 2014-2016. Hubungan Vietnam dengan Kepulauan Melayu Akhir Abad ke-18 hingga Pertengahan Abad ke-19 (USM Short-term). RM25,000.00. Project Leader.

  12. 2014-2015. China-Vietnam Borderland: Economic and Social Relations in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth (Southeast Asian Studies Regional Exchange Program (SEASREP & Japan Foundation), Rm19,376.18. Project Leader.

  13. 2013-2014. Menelusuri Hubungan Viet Nam dengan Semenanjung Tanah Melayu Semasa Pemberontakan Tay Son Bersaudara, 1771-1802. (USM Intensive). RM5,000.00. Project Leader


Research Publication:
  1. Ku Boon Dar (2023). ‘The South China Sea Dispute and Sino-Vietnamese Reconciliation.’ Journal of International Studies, Universiti Utara Malaysia Press. 19(1): 37-59.

  2. Ku Boon Dar & Azlizan Mat Enh. (2022). ‘Tay Son Uprising, 1771-1802: Reassessing Viet Nam’s relations with the Malay Archipelago.’ The Geografia-Malaysian Journal of Society and Space (GMJSS). University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Pres. 18(2):103-114.

  3. Ku Boon Dar & Vu Duong Luan (2022). ‘China-Vietnam-France Relations on the Verge of the Collapse of the Tributary System in the 19th Century.’ JEBAT: Malaysian Journal of History, Politics & Strategic Studies. 49(2):44-75.

  4. Azlizan Mat Enh, Ku Boon Dar & Al Amril (2022). ‘Penghijrahan Awal Masyarakat Muslim Bosnia-Herzegovina.’ ISLAMIYYAT: The International Journal of Islamic Studies. 44(1): 171-182.

  5. Ku Boon Dar & Tan Chee Seng (2021). ‘The Road and Belt Initiative in Malaysia: Challenges and Recommendations.’ Akademika: Journal of Southeast Asia Science Social and Humanities. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Press. 91(3): 79-91.

  6. Ku Boon Dar. (2021). ‘Maharani Dowager Cixi: Wanita yang Memerintah China di Belakang Tabir, 1862-1874.’ (Empress Dowager Cixi: The Woman Who Ruled China from Behind the Curtain, 1862-1874).’ SEJARAH: The Journal of the History Department, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya (UM). 30(1): 1-19.

  7. Ku Boon Dar & Goh Sang Seong. (2021). ‘Zheng He Hanghai Tu (Nautical Chart of Zheng He): A Reappraisal.’ The Geografia-Malaysian Journal of Society and Space (GMJSS). University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Pres. 12(2):1-11.

  8. Ku Boon Dar. (2020). ‘China-Southeast Asia Relations: A Retrospective of China’s Tributary System.’ JATI - Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya. 25(2): 1-19.

  9. Ku Boon Dar.邱文达 (2020). 中國的帶路倡議: 馬來西亞的挑戰與解決方案 (China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Challenge and Solution for Malaysia). 欧亚研究 (Eurasian Studies Quarterly). Graduate Institute of International Politics, National Chung Hsing University (NCHU). Taiwan.12:1-16.

  10. Ku Boon Dar. (2020). ‘Folktales of Zheng He in the Malay World: Tales and Anecdotes.’ Journal of Al-Tamaddun. Department of Islamic History and Civilization, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya (UM). 15(1): 59-66.

  11. Ku Boon Dar. (2019). ‘The Tributary Relations between China’s Song Dynasty and Vietnam’s Dinh, Le and Ly Dynasties: Effects on their Political Sustainability.’ SEJARAH: The Journal of the History Department, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya (UM).28(1): 1-13.

  12. Ku Boon Dar. (2019). ‘Sejarah Migrasi dan Dasar Pemerintahan Gia Long dan Minh Manh ke atas Masyarakat Minh Huong di Hoi An, 1820-1840.’ The Malaysian and International History Review.Museum of Academic Heritage. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). 1(1):1-15.

  13. Ku Boon Dar. (2019). ’Malaysia-Vietnam Relations from the 15th to 19th Century: Literature and Sources.’ PERSPEKTIF: Jurnal Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan. Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI). 11(1):1-9.

  14. Ku Boon Dar. (2019). ‘Ryukyu-Northern Malay Archipelago Relations from th 14th to the 17th Century.’ International Journal of the Malay World and Civilisation (IMAN).Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). 7(2):49-55.

  15. Ku Boon Dar. (2018). ‘The Zheng Family and the Dutch in the Malay Archipelago: Competition and Conflict in the 17th Century.’ Journal of Nusantara Studies (JONUS).Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA). 3(2):54-65.

  16. Ku Boon Dar. (2017). ‘Tay Son Uprising (1771-1802) In Vietnam: Mandated by Heaven?’ JEBAT: Malaysian Journal of History, Politics & Strategic Studies.44(1):1-23.

  17. Ku Boon Dar. (2017). ‘Impact of Tay Son Uprising on Sino-Vietnamese Cross Border Trade: The Rhetoric of Ensuring Peaceful Bilateral Relations.’ Regional Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (RJSEAS).SEASREP Foundation. 2(1):42-67.

  18. Ku Boon Dar. (2016). ‘Ikan Talang, Buah Durian & Burung Layang-Layang: Legasi Zheng He di Alam Melayu.’ Jurnal MALAYSIA dari segi SEJARAH. Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia. 44: 250-260.

  19. Ku Boon Dar. (2016). ‘Preserving the Cultural Bond towards Strengthening Sino-Malaysian Friendship.’ International Journal of the Malay World and Civilisation (IMAN). UKM. 4(3): 87-96.

  20. Ku Boon Dar. (2016). ‘Politik dan Sosioekonomi Negeri-negeri Selat pada Kurun Ke-19 dari Perspektif Vietnam.’ MELAYU: Jurnal Antarabangsa Dunia Melayu. Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka. 9 (1):56-73.

  21. Ku Boon Dar. (2015). ‘Sino-Vietnamese Relations, 1771-1802: From Contention to Faithful Correlation.’ SEJARAH: The Journal of the History Department, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya.23(1): 94-106.

  22. Ku Boon Dar. (2015). ‘Larangan Perdagangan Sempadan China (Guangxi)-Vietnam Semasa Pemberontakan Tay Son: Retorik dalam Laba Politik.’ JEBAT: Malaysian Journal of History, Politics & Strategic Studies. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. 42(2): 23-52.

  23. Ku Boon Dar. (2014). ‘Menyusur-Galur Sejarah Hoi An dalam hubungannya dengan Kepulauan Melayu.’ Perspektif: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI).6 (2):1-13.

  24. Ku Boon Dar. (2013). ‘Tap Dinh dan Ly Tai dalam Pemberontakan Tay Son.’ SARJANA: Journal of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya. 28: 21-40.

  25. Ku Boon Dar. (2012) ‘Usaha-Usaha China Menyekat Penjajahan Perancis di Vietnam Pasca Perjanjian Saigon 1874.’ SEJARAH:The Journal of the History Department, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya. 20(1):27-50.

  26. Ku Boon Dar. (2012). ‘Satu Kajian Mengenai Konsep Wufu dan Zhongguo dalam Hubungan Luar China.’ Perspektif: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI).4 (2):28-43.

 Selected Book Chapters
  1. Ku Boon Dar. (2023). “Zaman Panglima Perang, 1916-1927: Era Kekacauan dan Pengkhianatan di China.” Dlm. Azlizan Mat Enh & Suffian Mansor (Ed.). Detik dan Persitiwa Bersejarah dalam Politik Antarabangsa Abad ke-20. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, pp. 70-92.

  2. Ku Boon Dar. (2022). “Wanita dan Kejururawatan di Tanah Melayu, 1800-1957” Dlm. Azlizan Mat Enh & Zubaidah Hamzah. (Ed). Wanita dan Kesihatan Era Kolonial. Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), pp. 224-244.

  3. Ku Boon Dar. (2022). “Skesta Penghijrahan dan Kapitan Cina di Perlis Abad ke-19.” Dlm Nasha Rodziadi Khaw, Mohd Kasturi Nor Abd Aziz & Nazarudin Zainun (Eds). Sorotan Sejarah Perlis: Perkembangan Kebudayaan dan Sosioekonomi. Kangar: Penerbit UniMAP (Universiti Malaysia Perlis), pp 117-138.

  4. Ku Boon Dar. (2022). “Ryukyu-Malay Archipelago Relations From the 14th to the 17th” Dlm Mohd Samsudin, Mohd Shazwan Mokhtar, Suffian Mansur (Ed). Malaysia dalam Jendela Masa. Kuala Lumpur: Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia. pp. 57-67.

  5. Tan Hock Chuan & Ku Boon Dar. (2021). “Paramewswara: Pengasas Hubungan Tributari Melaka-China, 1400-1414.” Dlm. Ishak Saat & Ahmad Zainuddin Husin. (Ed). Institusi Raja: Pelbagai Kisah Kesultanan di Alam Melayu. Batu Pahat: Penerbit Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, pp. 57-78.

  6. Ku Boon Dar. (2021). “Penulis Wanita Cina di Tanah Melayu 1920-an hingga 1970-an.” Dlm, Azlizan Mat Enh, Zubaidah & Ku Boon Dar (Ed) (2021). Wanita dalam Sorotan Sejarah Tanah Air. Batu Pahat: Penerbit Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, pp. 189-214.

  7. Azlizan Mat Enh, Zubaidah & Ku Boon Dar. (2021). “Martabat dan Kedudukan Wanita dalam Sejarah Tanah Air.” Dlm, Azlizan Mat Enh, Zubaidah & Ku Boon Dar (Ed.) (2021). Wanita dalam Sorotan Sejarah Tanah Air. Batu Pahat: Penerbit Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, pp. 1-6.

  8. Ku Boon Dar. (2019). “Sejarah Hubungan Diplomatik Malaysia-China, 1974-1998: Satu Retrospeksi. Dlm. Ishak Saat & Ku Boon Dar. (Ed). Sejarah & Rencam Warisan Alam Melayu. Batu Pahat: Penerbit Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. pp. 221-246.

  9. Ku Boon Dar. (2017). “Melestarikan Sumber-sumber Sejarah Vietnam dalam hubungan Nusantara-Vietnam.” Dlm. Nazarudin Zainon dan Mohamad Omar Bidin. (Ed.). Dinamisme Etnik dan Sosiobudaya Masyarakat.Pulau Pinang: Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia.pp. 18-35.

  10. Ku Boon Dar. (2014). ‘Sorotan Terhadap Sistem Tributari: Sistem Tradisi Hubungan Luar China.’ Dlm. Azlizan Mat Enh, et al. (Ed.). Hubungan Antara Negara dalam Sejarah: Dari Era Pra Perang Dingin ke Perang Dingin. Bangi: Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. pp. 17-40.

  11. Ku Boon Dar. (2014). ‘Menyingkap Hubungan Viet Nam dengan Semenanjung Tanah Melayu, 1771-1802.’ Dlm. Ishak Saat, Adnan Jusoh & Nabir Hj. Abdullah (Ed.). Sejarah Dalam Arus Kesedaran Sumbangsih kepada Profesor Dr Adnan Haji Nawang. Batu Pahat: Penerbit Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, pp 305-330.

  12. Ku Boon Dar. (2013). ‘Goh Sang Eng, Wu Shirong (1875-1945), Merchant, Community Leader, Revolutionary” In Loh Wei Leng et. al. (Eds). Biographical Dictionary of Mercantile Personalities of Penang, Kuala Lumpur: ThinkCity and MBRAS. pp. 78-79.

  13. Ku Boon Dar. (2013). ‘Warisan Sejarah dan Peranan Kong Hock Keong Melalui Prasasti.” Dlm. Nazarudin Zainun & Ishak Saat (Ed.). Warisan Malaysia: Cerakinan Sejarah dan Budaya.  Batu Pahat: Penerbit Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. pp. 33-50.

  14. Ku Boon Dar (2012). ‘Kebangkitan Trung Adik-Beradik, Srikandi Vietnam: Satu Sorotan Sejarah.” Dlm. Azlizan Mat Enh & Rohani Abdul Ghani (Ed.). Wanita dan Masyarakat. Batu Pahat: Penerbit Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. pp. 173-194.

  15. Ku Boon Dar (2011). ‘Hubungan China-Vietnam Pasca-Gerakan Taiping: Dari Negeri Tributari ke Perjanjian Saigon 1874.” Dlm. Azlizan Mat Enh (Ed.), Sejarah Diplomatik: Esei-Esei Penghargaan Kepada Prof. Dato’ Dr. Nik Anuar Nik Mahmud.  Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. pp. 273-313.

  16. Ku Boon Dar. (2010). ‘Hubungan China-Vietnam, 1802-1839: Dari Tributari ke Perdagangan.” Dlm. Ishak Saat & Mohd Akbal Abdullah (Ed.). Isu-Isu Terpilih Dalam Sejarah Politik dan Perjuangan: Sumbangsih Kepada Profesor Madya Dr. Mohd Isa Othman. Batu Pahat: Penerbit Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.  pp. 339-367.

  17. Ku Boon Dar. (2009). ‘Pemikiran Kang Youwei (1858-1927): Menyingkap Kemunculan dan Pengaruhnya.” Dlm. Azlizan Mat Enh (Ed.). Isu-Isu Terpilih dalam Sejarah Pemikiran: Sumbangsih kepada Dr. Abdul Rahman Abdullah. Shah Alam: Karisma Publications. pp. 329-358.

Book / Edited Book
  1. Ku Boon Dar (2021). China Menentang Cabaran Barat. Kuala Lumpur: Institut Terjemahan & Buku Malaysia Berhad (ITBM) & Pusat Pengajian Pendidikan Jarak Jauh, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).

  2. Azlizan Mat Enh, Zubaidah & Ku Boon Dar (Editor Bersama) (2021). Wanita dalam Sorotan Sejarah Tanah Air. Batu Pahat: Penerbit Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.

  3. Ishak Saat & Ku Boon Dar (Editor Bersama) (2019). Sejarah & Rencam Warisan Alam Melayu. Batu Pahat: Penerbit Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.

  4. Azlizan Mat Enh, Ku Boon Dar, Hasrul Zakariah & Mohamad Rodzi Razak. (Editor Bersama) (2014). Hubungan Antara Negara dalam Sejarah: Dari Era Pra Perang Dingin ke Perang Dingin.Bangi: Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).

Book Reviews
  1. Ku Boon Dar. (2021). ‘The Chinese Overseas in Malaysia in an Era of Change, by Wong Tze Ken.’ JEBAT: Malaysian Journal of History, Politics & Strategic Studies. UKM.46(2): 322-323.

  2. Ku Boon Dar. (2020). ‘The Power of Deeds. The Untold Story of Abdul Kadir Shamsuddin, by Khadijah Md Khalid, Shakila Yacob & Sharifah Mariam Alhabshi.’ Kajian Malaysia. USM. 38(2): 193-200

  3. Ku Boon Dar. (2019). ‘Through Turbulent Terrain: Trade of The Straits Port of Penang, by Loh Wei Leng with Jeffery Seow.’ JEBAT: Malaysian Journal of History, Politics & Strategic Studies. UKM.46(2): 322-323.

  4. Ku Boon Dar. (2012). ‘Brothers in Arms: The Tay Son Uprising.’ IIAS Newsletter. 46.

Other Publication:
  1. Ku Boon Dar. (2023). “Vietnam El camino hacia la colonización” (Vietnam: The Path to Colonization).Desperta Ferro Historia Moderna. August 2023, 6-13.

  2. Ku Boon Dar. (2023). “Entre dos potencias La caída del Imperio amanita” (Between Two Powers: The Fall of the Annam Empire), Desperta Ferro Historia Moderna. August 2023, pp.58-61.

  3. Ku Boon Dar. (2022). “Buang Jauh Jauh.” Dlm Mohamad Saleeh Rahamad & Zaifulnizam Wagiran (Ed). Bila YB Dipalu Kompang. Kuala Lumpur: Persatuan Penulis Nasional Malaysia (PENA). p.60.


PhD (On-going)
  1. Huang Yiping. The Miao Ethnic Nationality: History, Custom and Festival.Main Supervisor.

  2. Zhang Can. Historical Investigation on the Inheritance and Changes of Music Culture in the Festival Ceremony of Cross-Border Ethnic Groups in Guangxi and Vietnam. Main Supervisor.

  3. Cao Maoting. A Study on Social Security in Tang Dynasty. Main Supervisor.

  4. Li Qi. (2021). A Study on the Social Causes of the Crime of Left Behind Juveniles in China. Co-supervisor.

  5. Wei Bo. The Historical Evolution and Artistic Research of Ancient Chinese Seals. Main Supervisor.

  6. Dong Jing. Qian Daxin’s Epigraphy-Related Fellowship, Connoisseurship and Collection. Main Supervisor.

  7. Peng Qing. Public Opinion Guidance and Construction of International Discourse Power of Mass Media. Main Supervisor

  8. Zhao Haifeng. A Study on the Development History of August First Film Studio, 1952-2018.

  9. Song Yaonan. Study on the Art of Epitaph in Northwest China in Sui and Tang Dynasties. Main Supervisor.

  10. Mo Gonglian. The Study on the History of the Nationalization of Piano Works in Guangxi, China. Main Supervisor.

  11. Wang Qian. The Anti-Japanese Movement in Modern China's Anhui Province: Population Movement and Social Influence. Main Supervisor.

  12. Zhang Hui. Border Trade in the Ming Dynasty. Main Supervisor.

Master (Completed)
  1. Norisah Binti Pirin. (2017). Master, Research - Part Time. The Development of Paddy Spirits Related Ritual among the Kadazandusun in Membakut, Sabah, 1960-2010. Co-supervisor. (Graduated).

  2. Gangathran A/l Chandran. (2021). Master, Research - Full Time. Mahatma Gandhi: Pengaruh Pemikiran Terhadap Masyarakat India di Malaysia. Co-supervisor. (Graduated).

  1. Tan Hock Chuan. (2022). Master, Research - Full Time. China-Malacca tributary relations during the Ming dynasty era, 1368-1511. Main Supervisor. (Graduated).

Master (On-going): 
  1. Teh Shy Hui. Chen Bijun: Love and Revolution between the Malay Peninsula and China, 1906-1926. Main Supervisor.


  1. Excellence Service Universiti Sains Malaysia. [2022]

  2. Travel Grant Validating Workshop of Scanning the Landscape of Southeast Asian Studies in Southeast ’ (SEASREP Foundation & Luce Foundation).19-22 August 2022. Pullman Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. [2022]

  3. Pingat Kelakukan Terpuji (P.K.T). Penang Yang Dipertua Negeri’s 80th Birthday Honours List, Governor of Penang. Penang State, Malaysia. [2018]

  4. Excellence Service Universiti Sains Malaysia. [2018]

  5. Luisa Mallari Fellowship, Southeast Asian Studies Regional Exchange Program (SEASREP) Foundation, 1108 Quezon City, Philippines [2008-2010]

  6. Asian Graduate Student Fellow, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore. [1 Mei – 31 July 2008]

  7. Dean’s List, School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. [1997/1998]

  1. Ahli Jawatankuasa Pakar Sejarah Tempatan Negeri Pulau Pinang. 30 Jan 2023- 30 Jan 2025. Pesuruhjaya Warisan Negeri Pulau Pinang. [30 Jan 2023-30 Jan 2025]

  2. Panel Pakar Rujuk Kurikulum Sejarah dan Buku Teks Sejarah, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. [2023-2027]

  3. Pakar Penilai bagi menentukan kebolehpercayaan dan Kesahan dapatan Kajian Kualitatif, Pakar Penilai, Universiti Putra Malaysia. [2023]

  4. Book Review Editor. IJAPS: International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies. Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). [2023-2025].

  5. Internal Examiner, Andrew Buyengum Jackson, 2022, PhD Thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Nigerian Labour Policy and Its Impact on the Railway Workers in Kaduna State 1960-1990s.

  6. Pakar Rujuk bagi kursus lsu Semasa dan Cabaran Masa Depan, Kursus PPISMP Bidang Generik Dalam Pembangunan Dan Semakan Kurikulum Ppismp Institut Pendidikan Guru, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, IPG Kampus Pendidikan Teknik. [2021]

  7. Book Review Editor. IJAPS: International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies. Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). [2021-2022].

  8. Invited Moderator of Panel Discussion for International Society for the Study of Chinese Overseas (ISSCO), 4-5 December 2021. (International).

  9. External Examiner, Chan Lok Lam (China), 2021, Master Thesis, University of Malaya, Alternative Perspectives on The Cultural Revolution: A Comparative Study of The Monthly Review and The China Quarterly. (National).

  10. Project: ‘Scanning the Landscape of Southeast Asian Studies in Southeast Asia.’ (SEASREP Foundation & Luce Foundation). Project Member. [2020]

  11. External Examiner, Raja Nor Azura Binti Raja Ismail, 2019, Master Thesis, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Pengaruh Tafsiran Falsafah Tradisional Menurut Ho Chi Minh dalam Pembentukan Negara Bangsa Vietnam (National).

  12. Internal Examiner, Diyaodin Bin Hj Shaari, 2018, Master Thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penolakan Brunei Terhadap Gagasan Malaysia: Satu Penelitian Terhadap Peranan Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien, 1961-1963.

  13. Internal Examiner, Norlihana Binti Md Shamshddin, 2018, Master Thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Tan Sri Syed Jaafar Albar: Perjuangan dan Pemikiran Politk (1914-1977).

  14. Associate Editor, JEBAT: Malaysian Journal of History, Politics & Strategic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). [2018-2020].

  15. External Examiner, Rozaini Binti Ahmad, 2017, Master Thesis, Universiti Malaya, Peranan Orang Cina Dalam Perkembangan Ekonomi Kedah, 1909-1941 (National).

  16. External Examiner, Aisha Bibi Binti Kamaruddin, 2017, Master Thesis, Universiti Malaya, Persaingan Politik dan Langkah Pemulihan Ketika Era Pemerintahan Guomindang (GMD), 1945- 1949 (National).


  1. Ku Boon Dar, No borders in food products: Exchange. Oceans and seas around Japan"., University of Barcelona, Spain, 18/02/2022 - 31/12/2022.

Training Course:
  1. The Vietnam Studies Programme, 27/07/2023 - 27/07/2023, RM8,114.40 (International)

  2. The Vietnam Studies Programme, 04/11/2022 - 04/11/2022, RM7,436.43 (International)

  3. The Vietnam Studies Programme, 30/08/2022 - 30/08/2022, RM4,857.60 (International)

  4. The Vietnam Studies Programme, 15/05/2022 - 15/05/2022, RM6,042.00 (International)

  5. The Vietnam Studies Programme, 14/03/2022 - 14/03/2022, RM5,824.90 (International)


Community Engagement:
  1. Vice President, Malaysia Silk Road 2023-2025 (National)

  2. Deputy Secretary, Northern Malaya Eng Choon Association, 2018-present (National)

  3. Auditor, Persatuan Penyayang Psoriasis Pulau Pinang. 2022-2023.

  4. Exco Member, Malaysia Silk Road 2019-2022 (National)

  5. Malay and English Correspondent, Northern Malaya Eng Choon 2014-2018 (National)

  6. Committee Member, Northern Malaya Eng Choon 2011-2014 (National)

  7. Auditor, Parent and Teacher Association (PTA), SMJK Phor Tay, Sungai Dua, Penang, 2017-2019 (State).

  8. Committee Member, Parent and Teacher Association (PTA), SMJK Phor Tay, Sungai Dua, Penang, 2015-2017 (State)

  9. Chairman Parent and Teacher Association (PTA), SJK(C) Poay Wah, Tanjong Bungah, Penang, 2010-2014 (State)

  10. Committee Member, Parent and Teacher Association (PTA), SJK(C) Poay Wah, Tanjong Bungah, Penang, 2008-2010 (State)