Research Area:
Political Islam in Southeast Asia
Islamic Thought
Muslim-non-Muslim relations
Research Grant:
Professor Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (principal investigator) (USM), Che Hamdan Che Mohd. Razali (UiTM Pahang), Dr. Wan Rohila Ganti binti Wan Abdul Ghapar (UNISZA), Islamist Extremism after the Taliban Takeover: Development Trends in Selected ASEAN Countries, 1 February 2022 – 31 May 2022, Grant from Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Malaysia Office, 53-3, Block D, Jaya One, 72A, Jalan Prof DiRaja Ungku Aziz, Section 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Project Collaboration No.: VD Lpj Malaysia (SV20100000V). Total: RM19,600.00.
Professor Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (project leader) (USM), Azmi Arifin (USM), Peranan Gerakan Islam dan Islamisme dalam Perjuangan Politik dan Kemerdekaan Tanah Melayu, 1945-1957 (The Roles of Islamist Movements and Islamism in Malaya’s Political and Independence Struggle), 1 July 2021 – 31 December 2021, 1 January 2022 – 30 June 2022, Grant from Penang Institute, 10, Brown Road, 10350 Georgetown, Penang. Project Collaboration No.: FY2021/FG_001. Total: RM36,000.00.
Associate Professor Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (principal researcher), Dr. Low Yong San, Che Hamdan Che Mohd. Razali, Pola Gerakan Islam Era Politik Baru di Malaysia (Patterns of Islamic Movements in the Era of New Politics in Malaysia), 15 September 2014 – 14 September 2016, Short Term Grant from USM. Account no.: 304/PJJAUH/6313110. Total: RM29,760.00. Final report submitted on 23 November 2016, RCMO acknowledgement received on 30 November 2016.
Research Publication:
Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid, Che Hamdan Che Mohd. Razali and Wan Rohila Ganti Bt. Wan Abdul Ghapar (2023), ‘Islamist Responses to the August 2021 Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan: The Case of Malaysia’, Politics, Religion & Ideology, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 97-119. URL:
Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2018), ‘Shariaization of Malay-Muslim Identity in Contemporary Malaysia’, Journal of the Malaysian Branch of The Royal Asiatic Society (Kuala Lumpur), vol. 91, part 2, no. 315, pp. 49-78.
Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2016), ‘Syariahization of Intra-Muslim Religious Freedom and Human Rights Practice in Malaysia: The Case of Darul Arqam’, Contemporary Southeast Asia (Singapore), vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 28-54.
Other Publication:
Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2022), ‘Moderniteyle Basa Cikmak: Postkolonyal Güneydoğu Asya Ulus Devlet Yapilarinda Sufilik’ [Coping with Modernity: Sufism in Postcolonial Southeast Asian Nation State Structures], ILKE Analiz (Istanbul), 16 December. URL:
Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid and Che Hamdan Che Mohd. Razali (2022), ‘Malaysia’s 15ᵗʰ General Election: Malay-Muslim Voting Trends and the Rise of PAS’, RSIS Commentary CO22126 (Singapore), 6 December. URL:
Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid (2021), ‘The politicisation of Syariah law in Muhyiddin’s Malaysia’, East Asia Forum (Canberra), 13 May. URL:
PhD (Completed):
Norhana binti Khaled, P-OD0005/16(R), Tarbiyah (Pendidikan) dalam PAS: Kajian Kes Terhadap Dewan Muslimat PAS Negeri Pulau Pinang (DMPNPP) [Tarbiyyah (Education) in PAS: A Case Study of Dewan Muslimat PAS Penang (DMPNPP)], Ph.D. Supervision commenced 1 March 2016. Thesis submitted 9 December 2021. Viva on 19 July 2022. Thesis re-submitted after corrections 3 October 2022. Awarded Ph.D. at the 60th USM convocation ceremony on 3 December 2022.
Mohammed Mustapha, P-OD0012/18(R), The Challenges of Boko Haram Insurgency: Implications for Nigeria’s National Security, 2009-2017, Ph.D. Supervision commenced 1 October 2018. Thesis submitted 12 January 2021. Viva on 22 October 2021. Thesis re-submitted after corrections 26 August 2022. Awarded Ph.D. at the 60th USM convocation ceremony on 3 December 2022.
Wan Rohila Ganti binti Wan Abdul Ghapar, P-OD0001/16(R), Political Party Activism of the Malay-Muslim Political Parties: UMNO and PAS Grassroots Party Activists in Terengganu, Ph.D. Supervision commenced 1 March 2016. Co-supervisor: Dr. Wan Asna Mohd. Nor. Thesis submitted 31 July 2019. Viva on 22 November 2019. Thesis re-submitted after corrections 18 February 2020. Awarded Ph.D. at the 58th USM convocation ceremony on 13 December 2021.
PhD (On-going):
Mohamad Faizal bin Abd Matalib, P-OD0008/15(R), Environmentalisme Sebagai Gerakan Sosial Baru: Impak Terhadap Pembentukan Polisi dan Pendemokrasian Malaysia [Environmentalisme as a New Social Movement: Impact on Malaysia’s Policy Making and Democratisation], Ph.D. Supervision commenced 7 September 2015. Thesis submitted 30 September 2022.
Mohamad Aizuddin bin Mohamad Noor, P-OD0010/20(R), Pasca PRU14: Halatuju Syarikat Pelaburan Berkaitan Kerajaan (GLIC) dan Syarikat Berkaitan Kerajaan (GLC) serta kesan terhadap ekonomi Malaysia [Post-GE14: Trajectory of Government-linked Investment Companies (GLIC) and Government-linked Companies (GLC) and effects on the Malaysian economy], D. Supervision commenced 1 June 2020.
Karunagaran a/l Krishnan, S-OD0044/21(R), Kampung Rawa Penang Incident 1998 and Kampung Medan Violence 2001 A Reflection of Indian Hindus-Indian Muslims/Malays Conflicts in Malaysia, Ph.D. Supervision commenced 1 October 2021.
Master (Completed):
Mazlan bin Mat Jusoh, S-OM0016/10(R), Peranan Akhbar Harakah (Edisi Cetak) Terhadap Perubahan Sikap Politik Orang Melayu di Kelantan Pada Pilihan Raya Umum 1999-2009 [The Role of the Harakah Newspaper (Print Edition) in the Changes of Malay Political Attitudes in Kelantan During General Elections 1999-2009], M.Soc.Sc. Supervision commenced 1 March 2010. Thesis submitted 4 August 2017. Viva on 12 October 2017. Thesis re-submitted after corrections 24 September 2018. Awarded M.Soc.Sc. at the 57th USM convocation ceremony on 25 September 2019.
Master (On-going):
Ramdani bin Abd Karim, S-OM0011/21(R), Peranan Gerakan Islam dalam konteks Malaysia Baharu : Kajian terhadap Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) [The Role of Islamic Movements in the Context of New Malaysia: A Study of the Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM)], M.Soc.Sc. Supervision commenced 1 May 2021.
Excellent Service Award for 2021, from USM, 20 July 2022.
Hall of Fame Award 2018, Publication (Journal) category, from USM, 22 September 2019.
Excellent Service Award for 2018, from USM, 24 July 2019.
Senior Visiting Fellow - History & Regional Studies, Penang Institute, 10, Brown Road, 10350 Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia, 1 July 2021 – 31 December 2021, 1 January 2022 – 30 June 2022.
Visiting Professor, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), 94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia, 1 February 2021 - 31 January 2022.
Scholar-in-Residence, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies: a recognized independent centre of the University of Oxford, Marston Road, Oxford OX3 0EE, United Kingdom, 17 January 2021 – 20 June 2021.
Subject expert, evaluation of MyCite journals and recommendation of journals to the ASEAN Citation Index 2021-2024, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, Putrajaya, 1 September 2021 – 31 August 2024.
Consultant expert for the Home Ministry, Terrorism cases investigated under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (SOSMA) 2012, 13 December 2018.
Consultant, Centre for Policy Research and International Studies (CenPRIS), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang, MALAYSIA, 1 July 2015 – 30 June 2016, 1 September 2016 – 31 August 2018.
Training Course:
Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid, Forum Panelist, ‘The New Dawn of Coalition Politics,’ Malaysia Outlook Conference 2023: Malaysia’s Turning Point: Opportunity Amidst Volatility, organised by the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS) Malaysia, 9 March 2023. URL:
Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid, Menulis Makalah untuk Jurnal Sains Kemasyarakatan & Kemanusiaan: Impak & Kesarjanaan, The Emdash Show #21, organised by USM Press, at the Book Garden, USM, Penang, 15 February 2022.
Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid, Facilitator, Bengkel Penyediaan Kandungan Artikel Bersama Ketua Editor Jurnal Kajian Malaysia [Workshop on Preparing Contents of Articles with the Editor-in-chief of Kajian Malaysia], Academy of Malay Studies, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 16 November 2022.