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Key Research Area: 

  • Management Accounting 
  • Quality Management 
  • Performance Management
  • SME Risk Management


Selected Journal Articles:

  1. Jie, Y.L., Yaacob, Z. & Teh, S.Y. (2015). The Mechanism of Corporate Social Responsibility Affecting Firm Performance: A Study of Small and Medium Sized Enterprise in Hebei, China, Advanced Science Letters, 21(5), 1509-1512.
  2. Jie, Y.L., Yaacob, Z. & Teh, S.Y. (2015). The Impact of Corporate Reputation on Job Satisfaction and Financial Performance: A Study on Small and Medium Sized Enterprise in Hebei, China, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business, 3(1), 72-87.
  3. Rahman, N.A., Yaacob, Z. & Radzi, R.M. (2015). Determinants of Effective Financial Risk Management in Small Business: A Theoretical Framework, Information Management and Business Review, 7(2), 87-92.
  4. Yaacob, Z. (2014). The Direct and Indirect Effects of Customer Focus on Performance in Public Service, International Journal for Quality Research, 8(2), 265-276.
  5. Yaacob, Z. (2014).The Link Between Quality Management and Muslim Customer Satisfaction, International Journal of Business and Society, 15(1), 81-96.
  6. Yaacob, Z. (2013). Customer Oriented Service and Cost Effectiveness: a Trade off Relationship?, Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Science, 7(3), 545-554.
  7. Yaacob, Z. (2013). Conceptualization of Human Resource Management in Quality Management Literature, International Journal of Innovations in Business, 2(1), 42-59.
  8. Yaacob, Z. & Abas, Z. (2011). The Effect of Intensity of Quality Management on Customer Satisfaction. International Journal of Business and Society, 12(2), 69-86.
  9. Yaacob, Z. (2010). Impak Amalan Penambahbaikan Berterusan Terhadap Penjimatan Kos Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan. INTAN Management Journal, 11(1), 107-134.
  10. Yaacob, Z. & Ommei Kolsum S. Router. (2010). Satisfying Customer Using TQM: The mediating role of Control Systems. International Journal of Management Studies. 17(1), 37-53. 


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  • Editorial Board, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy
  • Editorial Board, Economia Seria Management
  • Editorial Board, International Journal of Innovation in Management
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Management Dynamic