Key Research Areas:
- Organizational Commitment
- Leadership Style
- Positive Behaviour at the Workplace
- Workplace Spirituality
Current Research Grant
- The Impact of Intrinsic Satisfaction and Extrinsic Satisfaction towards Organizational Commitment among Bank Executive of Maybank and CIMB Bank in Penang, Malaysia.
- Employee Dependency on Social Media and Work-Related Attitudes with Religiosity as Mediator.
Past Related Research Grant
- Leadership Impact on Work-Related Attitude among Employees in Financial Institutions.
- Servant Leadership and Organizational Commitment: A Comparative Studies between local and international banks’ executive in Malaysia.
- Leadership Behavior and Job Performance among bankers in Malaysia.
Selected Journal Articles:
- Asaari, M.H.,Mat Desa, N. & Subramaniam, L. (2019). Influence of Salary, Promotion, and Recognition toward Work Motivation among Government Trade Agency Employees, International Journal of Business and Management, 14(4) 45-59.
- Asaari, M.H & Mat Desa, N. (2019). Portfolio Analysis onDistance Education Faculty Members, International Journal of Asian Social Science, 6(9), 352-369.
- Mat Desa, N., Teoh Lay Khoon, & Asaari, M.H. (2018). Work Stress toward Work Environment, Management Support, and Employees Satisfaction among Employees of Public Organizations, International Journal of Asian Social Science, 8(1), 1-11.
- Asaari, M.H., Ramlee, N.A. & Mat Desa, N. (2018). Personality and Work Performance among Commercial Bank Employees in the Northern State of Malaysia, The International Journal of Business & Management, 6(1), 248-258.
- Mat Desa, N. Asaari, M.H & Mohamed, B. (2018). Servant Leadership and Organizational Commitment: A Comparative Study between Employees of Local and Foreign Banks in the Northern Region of Malaysia, Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies, 3(4), 438-452.
- Mat Desa, N., & Asaari, M.H. (2018). Servant Leadership and Organizational Commitment: Demographic Comparison between Local Bankers and Foreign Bankers in Malaysia, The International Journal of Business and Management, 6(3), 174-183.
- Asaari, M.H, Mat Desa, N. & Mohd Ali, M.A (2017). Leadership and Work-Related Attitude among Bank Employees in Northern Region of Malaysia, International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 2(5), 3317-3331.
- Asaari, M.H. & Mat Desa, N. (2017). Academic Leadership and Organizational Commitment Among Faculty Members in Malaysian Public Universities, International Review of Management and Business Research, 6(1), 40-56.
- Asaari, M.H., Husin, M.S & Mat Desa, N. (2017). Work Competency and Work Performance among Employees of Fire and Rescue Department Malaysia (JPBM), Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies, 2(5B), 544-550.
- Asaari, M.H., Mat Desa, N. & Mohd Ali, M.A.(2017). Leadership and Work-Related Attitude among Bank Employees in Northern Region of Malaysia, International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 2(5), 3317-3331.
- Asaari, M.H., Dwivedi, A., Lawton, A., & Mat Desa, N. (2016). Academic Leadership And Organizational Commitment In Public Universities Of Malaysia, European Scientific Journal, 12(16), 329-344.
- Pine, L.S., Mat Desa, N., & Asaari, M.H. (2016). Big Five Factors and Employees’ Voice Behavior among Employees in Small-Medium Enterprise in Penang, Review of European Studies, 8(3), 22-35.
- Asaari, M.H.A.H., Dwivedi, A., Lawton, A., & Mat Desa, N. (2016). Academic Leadership And Organizational Commitment In Public Universities Of Malaysia, European Scientific Journal, 12(16), 329-344.
- Choo, J.L.M., Mat Desa, N. & Asaari, M.H. (2016). Flexible Working Arrangement toward Organizational Commitment and Work-Family Conflict, Studies in Asian Social Science, 3(1), 21-36.
- Mohamed, M.S.B., Asaari, M.H.A.H., & Mat Desa, N. (2016). Relationship between Personality Types and Job Satisfaction among Employees in Malaysian Manufacturing, Research Journal of Social Sciences, 9(1), 23-28.
- Muhammad Hasmi Abu Hassan Asaari (2017). Organizational Analysis: Case of a Leading Distance Education Provider in Malaysia, The International Journal of Business and Management, 5(5), 133-143.
- Ngie, D., Mat Desa, N., & Asaari, M. (2016). Effects of Organizational Learning Culture and Developmental Feedback on Engineers’ Career Satisfaction in the Manufacturing Organizations in Malaysia. Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Social Science, Economics and Management Study, Birmingham City University, United Kingdom, 17th to 18th March 2016.
- Koh Pin Pin, D. and Mat Desa, N., ( 2015). Workplace Spirituality, Perceived Oragnizational Support and Affective Organizational Commitment among auditors in Malaysia. Annual International Conference on Business, Marketing & Management, Abstracts Handbook Proceeding, Oxford University, United Kingdom, 16-18th November 2015.
- Gim, GCW., & Mat Desa, N., (2015). Competitive Psychology Climate and Turnover Intention with the mediating role of affective commitment. Procedia Social and Behavioral Science. 172.
- Gim, GCW., & Mat Desa, N., (2014). The Impact of Organizational Justice on Normative Commitment among Public and Private Sectors in Malaysia. Australian Journal Basic and Applied Sciences, 8(5).
- Gim, GCW., & Mat Desa, N., & Ramayah, T., (2014). The Impact of Distributive Justice, Procedural Justice, and Affective Commitment on Turnover Intentions among Private and Public sectors employees in Malaysia. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities. 4 (6).
- Ramli, A. & Mat Desa, N., (2014). The relationship between servant leadership and Organizational Commitment. International Journal of Management and Sustainability. 3 (2).
- Gim, GCW., & Mat Desa, N., (2012). The Boundaryless Career Attitude and Organizational Commitment among Public Accountants in Penang, Malaysia. Journal of Social & Development Science, 3(9).
- Koh, P.P & Mat Desa, N. (2011). The Workplace Spirituality and Affective Commitment among Auditors in Big Four Accounting firms: Does it matter? Journal of Global Management.
- Mat Desa, N. (2010). Module of Strategic Human Resource Management for undergraduates. Wawasan Open University, Pelangi Publishing Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Mat Desa, N. (2010). Leadership Behavior and Job Satisfaction among bank officers in Northern Region, Malaysia: The Impact of Task Characteristics. Journal of Global Management.
PhD & Master Students:
- Herwiyanto Slamet Haryono (PhD), 2016 to date, Co-Supervisor, Effective Supervisor, SBM and Job Performance.
- Doris Koh Pin Pin (Master of Arts), Graduated in 2012-Main Supervisor. Workplace Spirituality and Organizational Commitment : the mediation of Perceived Organizational Support.
- Chan Choon Ming (Master of Arts), 2013 to date, Main Supervisor. Organizational Support and Job Performance among marketers in the banking sector.
- Editorial Board for Journal of Family Business Management, United Kingdom.
- Reviewer of articles for a few local and international journal and conference