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Research Area:
  • Family finance

  • Women financial empowerment

  • Family economics (single mother’s family)

Research Grant

1. 2022-2024 (Project Leader Group 5)

Sponsor: USM RUT

Title: Analysis of ENHance-M towards stakeholders, graduates as gig workers and overall financial sustainability to deliver healthy ageing initiatives.

Amount: RM70,080

2. 2023-2024 (Co-Researcher)

Sponsor: USM RUT

Title: Evidence-, Needs-Based Health Care Service System for Ageing Malaysians (Enhance-M): A Way Forward with Digital Technologies and Gig Economy.


3. 2022-2023 (Co-Researcher)

Sponsor: USM BJIM

Title: Memperkasakan Operasi Dan Pendapatan Perusahaan Kecil Dan Sederhana (Pks) Daerah Baratdaya Melalui Pensijilan Halal Dan Pemasaran Digital Berkesan,BJIM , RM9,000.00

4. 2020-2025 (Co-Researcher)

Sponsor: USM RU

Title: Modelling Awareness of Fake News Among Malaysian Social Media Users: A First Step Towards Fake News Prevention

Amount: RM38,000.00

5. 2014-2016 (Co-Researcher)

Sponsor: USM Short Term

Title: Social Marketing: Promoting Breast Cancer Awareness andBehavioural Change Among Malaysian Women in Generation Y

Amount: RM30,000.00

6. 2020-2022 (Principal Investigator)

Sponsor: External Grant from Albukhary International University

Title: Developing Sustainable Livelihood Program for B20 Single Parent Households in Baling, Kedah, Malaysia

Amount: RM74,000.00

7. 2016-2020 (Principal Investigator)

Sponsor: USM Research University Grant (RUI)

Title: An Investigation of Economic and Financial Wellbeing of Single Mother Households in

Malaysia: The Sole Breadwinner and Care Provider

Amount: RM100,000.00

8. 2014-2016: (Co-Researcher)

Sponsor: USM Short Term Grant

Title: Social Marketing: Promoting Breast Cancer Awareness and Behavioural Change Among Malaysian Women in Generation Y.

Amount: RM30,000.00

9. 2012-2015 (Co-Researcher)

Sponsor: USM Research University Grant (RUT)

Title: E-Participatory Community Based Approach on Landslide Preparedness and Mitigation.

Amount: RM250,000.00

10. 2010-2013 (Principal Investigator)

Sponsor: USM Short Term Grant

Title: An Empirical Analysis of Employment Patterns and Financial Abilities Among Single

Mothers in Penang

Amount: RM34,280.00

11. 2011-2012 (Principal Investigator)

Sponsor: USM Community Engagement Grant

Title: Empowerment of Single Mothers in Improving their Livelihood.

Amount: RM20,000.00

12. 2009-2010 (Principal Investigator)

Sponsor: USM Incentive Grant

A Study to Identify the Employment Patterns and Financial Abilities among Single Mothers

Amount: RM5000.00


Research Publication:

1. Bahiyah Omar, Oberiri Destiny Apuke & Zarina Md Nor (2023). The Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors Predicting Fake News Sharing among Social Media Users: The Moderating Role of Fake News Awareness, Current Psychology (available at:

2. Zarina Md Nor (2022). Precarious Employment amongst Low Income Single Mothers in Malaysia: The Implications on Family Wellbeing. E3S Web of Conferences 339, 10th ICMR -2nd INSAEF 2021 (available at:

3. Zarina Md Nor, Rafisah Mat Radzi, Zainil Hanim Saidin, Halawati Abduljalil Safuan, Kamalesh Ravesangar (2022). Poverty Alleviation Programs for Selected Single Parent Households: A Case Study in Baling, Kedah, Albukhary Social Business Journal, 3, 11-16 (DOI:HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.55862/ASBJV3I2A002)

4. Sudarmadji, Zarina Md Nor, Fazelina Sahul Hamid & Anton Abdulbasah Kamil (2021). Measurement and Comparison of Efficiency of Saving and Loan Cooperatives in Jakarta, ndonesia, through the Stochastic Frontier Analysis. Journal of International Cooperation and Development, 4(2), 68-85

5. Zarina Md Nor, Nur Zhafirah Mohamad, Suresh Kumar N Vellymalay, Azizah Omar, & Bahiyah Omar (2019). When Poverty Knocks on the Door: Sharing the Story of Low Income Single Mothers in Kelantan. International Journal of Engineering Sciences, 12(2), 50-56.

6. Zarina Md Nor, Awatif Izzati Nor ‘Azam, Azizah Omar, Suresh Kumar N Vellymalay, & Bahiyah Omar (2018). Conceptualizing Financial Help Seeking Behaviour Amongst Low Income Single Mothers in Malaysia. International Journal for Studies on Children, Women, Elderly and Disabled, 3(January), 49-53.

7. Siti Ruhani, Zarina Md Nor & Bahiyah Omar (2018). Modelling the Role of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices in Economic Empowerment of Single Mothers. International Journal for Studies on Children, Women, Elderly and Disabled, 3(January), 49-53.

8. Zarina Md Nor, Intan Shafina Abu Hasan, Bahiyah Omar, Suresh Kumar N Vellymalay & Azizah Omar (2018). Financial Wellbeing of Single Mothers in Penang: The Sole Breadwinner. Management & Accounting Review Journal, 17(1), 35-44.

9. Zarina Md Nor & Zuraida Ramli (2016). A Glimpse at Women Entrepreneurs in Penang. Akademika, 86(2), 79-86. (Available at:

10. Elizabeth J. Taylor, Zarina Md Nor, Adeel Tariq, & Binyam Atsebeha (2015). Field Case Studies: Transformational Leadership in Implementing and Assessing Sustainability Projects, Transformational Leadership in the Promotion of Sustainable Practices: A Case Study of the Palace Hotel. 2015 ProSPER.Net Leadership Program. 23 - 29 August 2015, Sabah, Malaysia.

11. Mahyuddin Ahmad, Nor Hazlina Hashim, Bahiyah Omar, Lee Yuen Beng, & Zarina Md Nor (2014). You Are Not Alone: Restoring Hopes and Increasing Optimisms of Underprivileged Single Mothers and Families through Philanthropy. International eJournal of Community & Industry Engagement, 1(1), 28-40.

12. Zarina Md Nor & Anton Abdul Basah Kamil (2012). Sustaining the Livelihood of Single Mothers though Wealth Creation and Savings Opportunities: A Long Road Ahead. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 3(2), 126-131. (available at:

13. Zarina Md Nor, Dalilah Yusof & Anton Abdul Basah Kamil (2011). Improving the Livelihood of Single Mothers through Microcredit Facilities. IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research (CHUSER 2011), 5-6 Dec, Penang, Malaysia. (available at: )

Other Publication:

1. Kajian Strategi Daya Tindak (Coping Strategy) yang digunakan oleh Ibu Tunggal dalam Menangani Kesukaran Kewangan. International Seminar on Social and Behaviour Science 2022. 28-29 September 2022 (via online)

2. Zarina Md Nor, Rafisah Mat Radzi, Zainil Hanim Saidin, Halawati Abduljalil Safuan, Kamalesh Ravesangar Poverty Alleviation Programs for Selected Single Parent Families: A case Study in Baling, Kedah, AIU Social Business Symposium 2022, Albukhary International University (AIU), Alor Setar, Kedah. 27 March 2022.

3. Precarious Employment amongst Low Income Single Mothers in Malaysia: The Implications on Family Wellbeing. The 10th ICMR in conjunction with the 2nd INSAEF 2021. 27 September.2021 via online platform (Invited Speaker).

4. Zarina Md Nor. Economic Empowerment of Low Income Single Mothers in Malaysia: Where do we start? Persidangan Kependudukan Kebangsaan 2021 (PERKKS21) via online platform. 16-17 November 2021

5. Zarina Md Nor. Divorcing the Children: The Child Support Paradox in Malaysia. International Comparative Research on Private and State Responsibility for Children in Separated Parent Families Symposium. 15-18 June 2019. Heidelberg, Germany. (Invited Speaker).

6. Zarina Md Nor, Nur Zhafirah Mohamad, Suresh Kumar N Vellymalay, Azizah Omar, & Bahiyah Omar. When Poverty Knocks on the Door: Sharing the Story of Low Income Single Mothers in Kelantan. 3rd ASRES International Conference on Business Management, Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities (BMESH - 2018). 19 - 21 December 2018. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

7. Zarina Md Nor. Financial Hardships and Child Support Issues among Poor Divorces Mothers in Malaysia: A Battle Worth Fighting. Child Support Symposium, 4 – 5 December 2017. Swinburne University, Hawthorne, Australia. (Invited Speaker)

8. Zarina Md Nor, Intan Shafina Abu Hasan, Bahiyah Omar, Suresh Kumar N Vellymalay & Azizah Omar. Financial wellbeing of single mothers in Penang: The sole breadwinner. 1st International Islamic Social Economic Conference, 22 - 23 August 2017. Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.

9. Zarina Md Nor & Silvia Islam. Labor force participation of single mothers in Malaysia: An implication on their economic wellbeing. International Conference on Women and Children (ICWC 2016). 27 July 2016. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

10. Zarina Md Nor & Silvia Islam A Glimpse at Financial Hardship and Child Support Issues among Divorced Single Mothers in Malaysia. Conference on the Recovery of Child Support and Family Maintenance in Asia Pacific and Worldwide: National and Regional Systems and The Hague 2007 Convention and Protocol. 9- 11 November 2015. Hong Kong.

11. Zarina Md Nor. A Preliminary Study on the Characteristics of Women Entrepreneurs in Penang. Regional Conference on Local Knowledge (RCLK), 6 - 7 October 2013. Terengganu, Malaysia

12. Zarina Md Nor & Richard Heaney. Asset Pricing and Macro Factors in ASEAN5. 2011 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research (CHUSER 2011). 5 - 6 December 2011. Penang, Malaysia. Testing for Long Run Relationships in the ASEAN5 GDP: 1990 – 2006. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Business Management (ICIEBM 2010). 12 October 2010. Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Book Chapter:

1. Zarina Md Nor, 2015, Lambaian Menara Gading: Ranjau Wanita Memburu Ijazah, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) (National)

2. Zarina Md Nor, 2022, Child Support in Malaysia in Single Parents and Child Support Systems: An International Comparison, Edward Elgar (International – in press)


PhD (Completed)

1. Sudarmadji: 2019 (Main Supervisor)

Title: Measurement and Comparison of Savings and Credits Cooperative Efficiency in Jakarta, Indonesia Using Parametric and Non-Parametric Methods

2. Yusri Ilias: 2021 (Co-Supervisor)

Title: A Study of Factors Determining the Efficiency of Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) In West Java, Indonesia

PhD (On-going)

1. Dong Zuxia (Main Supervisor)

Title: The Impact of Legal Frameworks on Women’s Economic Empowerment in China.

2. Chen Hui (Main Supervisor)

Title: Research on the Impact of Fintech on the Risk Control of China’s Banking Industry.

3. Wang Jing (Co-supervisor)

Title: Brand Communication Strategies of Hotel enterprises from the Perspective of Digital Marketing

Master (Completed)

1. Nur Shazlina Haji Mohd Sulaiman: 2019 (Main Supervisor)

Title: Saving Determinants among Career Women in Private Sectors in Penang.

2. Siti Ruhani Mohd Yusoff: 2018 (Main Supervisor)

Title: A Model of Economic Empowerment of Single Mothers: The Roles of Financial Attitude, Knowledge, and Practices.

Master (On-going)

1. Che Nurafidah Rasli (Main Supervisor)

Title: Analyzing the Coping Strategies Used by Single Mothers in Overcoming Financial Hardship

2. Mohamad Firdaus Samsuddin (Co-Supervisor)

Title: Islamic e-Wallet: An Analysis from the Shariah and Service Provider Prospective.

3. Nadia Izzati Binti Kamessan (Co-Supervisor)

Title: Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kadar Pemilikan Insurans Hayat di Kalangan Rakyat Malaysia.

4. Muhd Bakhtiar Mohd Nor (Co-Supervisor)

Title: Faktor - Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pekerja Lelaki dan Wanita di Pulau Pinang terhadap Rancangan Persaraan


  1. RMIT University Best Thesis Award (2009)

