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Research Area:
  • Service Quality

  • Customer Loyalty

  • Relationship Marketing

Research Grant
  • 01/09/2022-31/08/2025, Developing Islamic e-wallet transactional framework: an analysis from the Shariah (Islamic law) conformity and service provider perspectives, Rafisah Binti Mat Radzi, NURUL AINI MUHAMED, Zainil Hanim Binti Saidin, Zarina Binti Md Nor, FRGS, RM85,000.00,

  • 01/10/2022-30/09/2023, Memperkasakan Operasi Dan Pendapatan Perusahaan Kecil Dan Sederhana (Pks) Daerah Barat Daya Melalui Pensijilan Halal Dan Pemasaran Digital Berkesan, Rafisah Binti Mat Radzi, Norziani Binti Dahalan @ Omar, Zainil Hanim Binti Saidin, Zarina Binti Md Nor, BJIM, RM9,000.00,

  • 09/05/2022-08/04/2023, Pemerkasaan Kemahiran Hidup Melalui Inovasi Ternakan Tilapia Secara Lestari Bagi Pelajar Pendidikan Khas Smk Machang Bubok, Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang, Amirah Binti Hurzaid, Noor Khalidah Binti Abdul Hamid, Zainil Hanim Binti Saidin, BJIM, RM9,000.00.

  • 01/01/2020-31/03/2023, Effect of Automotive After-Sales Service Quality and Image on Customer Loyalty Formation for Malaysian National Carmakers, Zainil Hanim Binti Saidin, Wan Afezah Wan Abdul Rahman, Short-term grant, Universiti Sains Malaysia, RM24,306.00

  • 01/03/2020-28/02/2022, Developing Sustainable Livelihood Programs for B10 Single Parent Households in Baling, Kedah, Join researcher, Zarina Binti Md Nor, Zainil Hanim Binti Saidin, Rafisah Binti Mat Radzi External Grant, Al-Bukhary International University, RM74,000.00.


Research Publication:
  1. Zainil Hanim Binti Saidin, Wan Afezah Wan Abdul Rahman, Siti Noratisah Mohd Nafi, Rohaizah Saad & Sany Sanuri Mohd. Mokhtar, 2022, EXAMINING INDUSTRY-SPECIFIC AFTER-SALES SERVICE QUALITY TOWARDS THE LEVEL OF CUSTOMER LOYALTY: A CASE OF MALAYSIAN NATIONAL CARMAKERS. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. Vol. 19. No. 4 (2022), 70-93.

  2. Zarina Binti Md Nor, Rafisah Binti Mat Radzi, Zainil Hanim Binti Saidin, Halawati Abdul Jalil Safuan, Kamalesh Ravesangar (2022). Poverty Alleviation Programs for Selected Single Parent Households: A Case Study in Baling, Kedah. ALBUKHARY SOCIAL BUSINESS JOURNAL, 3, 11-16.

  3. Muhammad Ariful Islam, Zainil Hanim Binti Saidin, Meor Azli Ayub, Md Shamimul Islam, 2022, Modelling Behavioural Intention to Buy Apartments in Bangladesh an Extended Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), Heliyon 8 (2022).

  4. Mohd Nawi, M. N., Billah Tufail, M. M., Saidin, Z. H., Arif, S. S., & Mohamed, O. (2021). Challenges and Opportunity in Digital Transformation of Construction Industry: A Role of Industry 4.0., Central Asia and the Caucasus, Vol. 22. No. 5, 412-422

  5. Abdul Rahman, W. A., & Saidin, Z. H. (2021). Customer Loyalty: The Effect of Service Quality and Brand Image in Malaysia’s Automotive Industry. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 11(4), 188-199 – ERA.

  6. Saidin, Z. H., Abdul Rahman, W. A., Abd Hamid, R. (2020). How the Unique Industry-Specific Measures of Service Quality Can Develop Customer Loyalty in Automotive After-Sales Service, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(11), 847-865. – ERA

  7. Abd Hamid, R., Abd Hamid, S. N., Soula, O., Z. H., & Wan Abd Rahman, W. A. (2020). The Satisfaction of Blended Learning among Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) Students. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(16), 2317-2329.

  8. Md Nor, Z., Saidin, Z. H., Mat Radzi, R., Hassan, M. H., Akhbar Khan, B. Z., and Abdul Jalil Safuan, H. (2020). Conceptualizing Sustainable Livelihood for Single Parent Households. Albukhary Social Business Journal, 1(1), 7-12.

  9. Saidin, Z. H., Abdul Rahman, W. A., Yus Kelana, B. W., Abd Hamid, R. (2018). Does Relationship Quality Affect Customer Loyalty of Malaysian National Carmakers: Alternative Attractiveness as Moderator. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 7(3), 160-173 - Scopus

  1. Saidin, Z. H., Mokhtar, S. S. M., Saad, R., & Yusoff, R. Z. (2018). The Impact of Automotive After-Sales Service Quality and Alternative Attractiveness on Customer Loyalty. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 7(1), 177-187 - Scopus

  2. Saidin, Z. H., Yusoff, R. Z., Mokhtar, S. S. M., & Saad, R. (2016). Automotive After-sales Service Quality Attributes and Customer Loyalty: An Empirical Study of Malaysian National Carmakers. Asean Entrepreneurship Journal, 2(2), 70-79.

  3. Saidin, Z. H., Mokhtar, S. S. M., Saad, R., & Yusoff, R. Z. (2015). Automotive After-Sales Service Quality and Relationship Quality in Malaysian National Car Makers. International Academic Research Journal, 1(2), 71-78. (Published and Presented in the conference of “International Business and Technology Conference 2015 – Bandung, Indonesia)

Other Publication:
  1. Ayub, M. A., Saidin, Z. H., & Islam, M. A. (2020). Attitudes Influencing Consumer Behavior in Purchasing Apartments in Dhaka City: A Literature Review. Proceeding Malaysia International Convention on Education Research & Management (MICER), Bangi Resort Hotel, Bandar Baru Bangi, Malaysia (International), 14 -16 March, 2020.

  1. Ayub, M. A., Saidin, Z. H., & Islam, M. A. (2020). The Influence of Social Norms And Perceived Behavioral Control on Consumer Behavior in Purchasing Housing: A Literature Review. Proceeding 5th International Conference on Education, Business, Islamic and Technology 2020 (ICEBIT 2020), Langkawi, Malaysia (International), 19 – 20 Sept, 2020.


PhD (On-going):
  1. MUHAMMAD ARIFUL ISLAM, The Influence Of Social Norms and Perceived Behavioral Control on Consumer Behavior in Purchasing Housing in Bangladesh.

  2. Prommalee Bhanubhong, Development of Competency Framework Enhancing Drugstore Pharmacists Professional Image.

  3. WANG JING, Brand Communication Strategies of Hotel Enterprises from the Perspective of Digital Marketing.

  4. MA LIJIN, Research on the Application of Visual Marketing in E-commerce.

  5. LIU RUI, A Comparative Study On Malaysia and China’s Marketing Strategy of the Real Estate Industry During the Covid-19 Pandemic. 2023

Master (On-going)
  1. NADIA IZZATI BINTI KAMESSAN, Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kadar Pemilikan Insurans Hayat di Kalangan Rakyat Malaysia.

  2. MUHD BAKHTIAR MOHD NOR, Faktor - Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Rancangan Persaraan Wanita Berkahwin Lewat Di Pulau Pinang.


