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Research Area:
  • Air Pollution Modelling

Research Grant
  1. 2017, Forecasting of PM10 Concentrations and Ground Level Ozone in Malaysia Using Multivariate Time Series Analysis, USM Short-term Grant, RM37,500

  2. 2019, Investigating the scale and shape parameter of lognormal distribution to predict PM10 concentrations, Ministry of Education (FRGS), RM46, 000

  3. 2022, Pandemic-endemic disruptions and policy changes: Transformation of students’ online learning experience during crisis, USM Short-term Grant, RM31,960


Research Publication:
Boosted Regression Tree (BRT) model for PM10 concentrations prediction in Malaysia
  1. Norazrin, R, Hamid, H.A., Yahaya, A.S. (2023). Boosted Regression Tree (BRT) model for PM10 concentrations prediction in Malaysia. IOP Conference Series : Earth and Environmental Science, 1135,
  2. Omar, M.U and Hamid, H.A. (2022). Assessment of parameter estimator of lognormal distribution for a better long-term prediction of PM10 concentrations in suburban areas. EnvironmentAsia, 15(2), 23 – 33.
  3. Raffee, A. F., Hamid, H. A., Rahmat, S. N., & Jaffar, M. I. (2022). The cause-and-effect analysis of ground level ozone (O3), air pollutants and meteorological parameters using the causal relationship approach. Journal of Engineering Research, 1-21.
  4. Raffee, A. F., Hamid, H. A., Rahmat, S. N., & Jaffar, M. I. (2021). Performance of Multivariate Time Series on Forecasting the Tropospheric Ozone (O3). Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 30(6), 5691-5700.
  5. Raffee, A.F., Hamid, H.A., Rahmat, S.N., Jaffar, M.I. (2020). Vector autoregressive model : A multivariate time series to forecast the ground level ozone (O3) concentration in Malaysia. Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 47(6), 1297 – 1309.
  6. Raffee, A. F. Rahmat, S. N., Hamid, H. A., & Jaffar, M. I. (2019). The behavior of Particulate Matter (PM10) Concentrations at Industrial Sites in Malaysia. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 11(2), 214-222.
  7. Norazrin, R., Yahaya, A. S., & Hamid, H. A. (2018). Prediction PM10 Concentration Using VAR Time Series. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.25), 420-422.
  8. Jaffar, M. I., Hamid, H. A., Yunus, R., & Raffee, A. F. (2018). Fitting statistical distribution on air pollution: an overview. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.23), 40-44.
  9. Norazrin, R., Yahaya, A. S., & Hamid, H. A. (2018). Predicting PM10 concentration using Bayesian regression with non-informative prior and conjugate prior model. Journal of Engineering Science Research, 3(2), 59-65.
  10. Norazrin Rahmad, Ahmad Shukri Yahaya, Hazrul Abdul Hamid (2018). Predicting PM10 concentrations using Bayesian regression with non-informative prior and conjugate prior model. Journal of Engineering and Science Research, 2 (2), page 59 – 65.
  11. Yasin, M. N., Abdullah, H. A., Hamid, H. A., & Wahab, N. S. N. (2017). Potential Retrofit of Existing Sultan Ismail Parliament Building, Johor to Green Building. MATEC Web of Conferences, 103, 1-7.
  12. Hazrul Abdul Hamid, Ahmad Shukri Yahaya, Nor Azam Ramli, Ahmad Zia Ul-Saufie (2017), Short-term prediction of PM10 concentrations using seasonal time series analysis. MATEC Web of Conferences, 47.
  13. Ul-Saufie, A.Z., Yahaya, A.S., Ramli, N., Hamid, H.A. (2015). PM10 concentration short term prediction using feedforward backpropagation and general regression neural network in a sub-urban area. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 8(2), 59-73.
  14. Hasfazilah Ahmat, Ahmad Shukri Yahaya, Nor Azam Ramli, Ahmad Zia Ul-Saufie, Hazrul Abdul Hamid (2015). Analysis of PM10 using extreme value theory. ESTEEM Academic Journal, 11, 135-143.
  15. Riduan Yunus, Azeanita Suratkon, Mia Wimala Soejoso, Hazrul Abdul Hamid, Siti Rahimah Mohd Noor (2015). Motivational Factors on Adopting Modular Coordination Concept in Industrialized Building System(IBS). MATEC Web of Conferences 47 : 04017.
  16. Hazrul Abdul Hamid, Ahmad Shukri Yahaya, Nor Azam Ramli, Ahmad Zia Ul-Saufie (2013).  Finding the best statistical distribution model in PM10 concentration modeling by using lognormal distribution. Journal of Applied Siences, 13,  294 – 300.
  17. Ahmad Zia Ul-Saufie, Ahmad Shukri Yahaya, Nor Azam Ramli, Hazrul Abdul Hamid (2013). Future daily PM10 concentrations prediction by combining regression models and feedfoward backpropagation models with principle component analysis (PCA). Atmospheric Environment, 77, 621 – 630.
  18. Hazrul Abdul Hamid, Ahmad Shukri Yahaya, Nor Azam Ramli, Ahmad Zia Ul-Saufie (2012), Performance of Parameter Estimator for the Two-Parameter and Three-Parameter Gamma  Distribution in PM10 Data Modelling. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(4),  637 – 643.
  19. Ahmad Zia Ul-Saufie, Ahmad Shukri Yahaya, Nor Azam Ramli, Hazrul Abdul Hamid (2012), Robust Regression Models for Predicting PM10 concentration in an Industrial Area.  International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(3), page 364 – 370.
  20. Ahmad Zia Ul-Saufie, Ahmad Shukri Yahaya, Nor Azam Ramli, Hazrul Abdul Hamid (2012), Performance of Multiple Linear Regression for Long-Term PM10 Concentration Prediction Based on Gaseous and Meteorological Parameters.  Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol 12, page    1488 – 1494.


PhD (Completed)
  1. Rajasegeran A/l Ramasamy, 2020, Effectiveness of Blended Discrete Mathematics Model In Teaching and Learning of Calculus.

  2. Norazrin Binti Ramli, 2021, Short-Term Prediction Models of PM10 Concentrations In Peninsular Malaysia Using Multivariate Time Series And Machine Learning Methods.

PhD (On-going)
  1. Etoom Ahmad Mahmoud Ibrahim, The Effectiveness of Using Modern Technology and Applications in Teaching Mathematics to Students with Special Needs: An Applied Study On the Schools, Educational Centres, And The Universities in Jordan.

  2. Liu Jingdan, The Influence and Reflection of the Development of Artificial Intelligence in Education.

Master (On-going)
  1. Muhammad Uthman Bin Omar, Comparison of Parameter Estimator of Lognormal Distribution for Predicting PM10 and PM5 Concentrations.

  2. Muhammad Amsyar Bin Azman, Pandemic-Endemic Disruptions and Policy Changes: Transformation of Students’ Online Learning Experience During Crisis.


  1. External Examiner, 02/09/2019-01/09/2021, Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation

  2. External Examiner, 01/09/2021-01/09/2023, Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation

  3. Head of Panel, Accreditation Audit, Bachelor of Science with Education (Honours), Universiti Sains Malaysia



Community Engagement:
  1. Volunteer, Projek "Community Outreach", Perkampungan Orang Asli Desa Damai, RPS Bainun, Gerik, 29/11/2019-30/11/2019

  2. Leader, University-Community Project : Penjanaan Pendapatan Melalui Penghasilan Produk Sambal Daripada Hasil Tanaman Cili Gred B dan C Dalam Komuniti Masjid Abdullah Fahim, 05/05/2023 – 04/05/2024.