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Key Research Area :

  1. 3D Geographical Information System
  2. 3D Spatial Modelling
  3. Rainfall-runoff Modelling
  4. Cartography
  5. GIS for Environmental Studies
  6. Environmental Disaster Modelling

Research Grants

Principal Investigator :

National :

  1. Izham Bin Mohamad Yusoff, Chan Huah Yong, Ismail Bin Ahmad Abir, Mohd Ashraf Bin Mohamad Ismail, Malaysia Research University Network - Long Term Research Grant Scheme (MRUN-LRGS) : LANDGIS - An Eco Smart GIS Based Real-Time Data Model For Landslide Spatial Visualization. RM81,800.00 (01/09/2019 - 30/11/2022).
  2. Izham Bin Mohamad Yusoff, Noresah Binti Mohd Shariff, Wan Ruslan Bin Ismail – Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) - Designing A New 3D GIS Based Soft Geometrical Data Model for 3D Dynamic Rainfall-Runoff Simulation. RM47,480.00 (01/06/2012 - 30/11/2014).

University :

  1. Izham Bin Mohamad Yusoff, Chan Huah Yong, Muhamad Uznir Ujang, Habibah Binti Lateh, Main Bin Rindam, Mohd. Faiz Bin Hilmi. USM Research University Grant (RUI) : Designing E-River Basin Spatial Informative Nesting (E-BASIN) Framework for Flood Prediction using Geographic Information System. RM100,000.00 (01/03/2016 - 28/02/2019).
  2. Izham Bin Mohamad Yusoff, Anton Abdulbasah Kamil, Muhamad Safii Lola, Yahya Ibrahim, The Development Of A New Eco-Tourism Modelling of Lake Kenyir using System Dynamic Approach. RM134,340.00 (01/03/2015 - 31/08/2018).

Co-Researcher :

International :

  1. Habibah Lateh, Izham Mohamad Yusoff, Anton Abdulbasah Kamil, Jamilah Ahmad, Chan Huah Yong, Lea Tien Tay. Research and Development for Reducing Geo-hazard Damage in Malaysia Caused by Landslide and Flood, SATREPS-JICA (JAPAN), RM13,000,000.00 (01/06/2011 - 01/06/2016).

National :

  1. Ismail Bin Ahmad Abir, Izham Bin Mohamad Yusoff, Characterizing Deformation Mechanism of the Crocker Fault System, Sabah for Potential Earthquake Predictions. Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) - RM96,000.00 (01/11/2020 - 31/10/2023).
  2. Taksiah Binti A. Majid, Chan Huah Yong, Fauziah Binti Ahmad, Hazandy Abdul Hamid, Ismail Bin Ahmad Abir, Izham Bin Mohamad Yusoff, Mastura Binti Azmi, Mohd Ashraf Bin Mohamad Ismail, Mohd Fadzil Bin Ain, Shaharudin Shah Bin Zaini, Sharifah Akmam Binti Syed Zakaria, Sheeba Nettukandy Chenoli, Intelligent Green Energy Lanslide Real-Time Alerting System In The Tropics. Long Term Research Grant Scheme (MRUN-LRGS) - RM267,300.00 (01/09/2019 - 30/11/2022).
  3. Habibah Binti Lateh, Izham Bin Mohamad Yusoff, Jamilah Binti Ahmad, Research Development For Reducing Geo-hazard Damage in Malaysia Caused by Landslide and Flood. Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) - RM5,272,000.00 (02/01/2013 - 31/12/2017). 
  4. Issham Bin Ismail, Izham Bin Mohamad Yusoff, Flood and Flood Disaster: Sistem dan Aplikasi Mobile Pantas Amaran Bencana Banjir. Prototype Research Grant Scheme (PRGS) - RM66,700.00 (01/04/2015 - 30/04/2016).
  5. Issham Bin Ismail, Izham Bin Mohamad Yusoff, Ecoducation Development Toolkit System (ECODE). Prototype Research Grant Scheme (PRGS) - RM158,000.00 (01/09/2012 - 30/11/2014).
  6. Main Bin Rindam, Izham Bin Mohamad Yusoff, Formasian Embun Dan Penyerapan Wap Air Di Bandar. Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) - RM50,000.00 (01/08/2011 - 31/01/2014).

University :

  1. Mageswary A/p Karpudewan, A Nagaletchimee A/p Annamalai, Izham Bin Mohamad Yusoff, Lim Hooi Lian. Augmented Reality Infused STREAM Education in Teaching Climate Change for Secondary Schools : An Approach Reflects on the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR). USM-RUI Grant - RM45,000.00 (01/11/2020 - 31/10/2023).
  2. Chan Huah Yong, Anton Abdulbasah Kamil, Habibah Binti Lateh, Izham Bin Mohamad Yusoff, Jamilah Binti Ahmad, Mohd Razha Bin Abdul Rashid, Tay Lea Tien, Zarina Binti Md Nor. E-Participatory Community Based Approach On Landslide Preparedness And Mitigation. USM-RUI Grant - RM250,000.00 (01/04/2012 - 30/09/2015).


A.       Journals (Wos, Scopus And MyCite Indexed)

  1. Jefriza, Izham, M. Y., Ismail, A. A. (2020). The Applications Of Insar Technique For Natural Hazard Detection In Smart Society, Journal Of Physics - Conference Series, 1572:, Pp 1-12 (Scopus Indexed - Impact Factor : 0.54)
  2. Izham, M. Y., Aznarahayu, R., Nurul, A., Norashila, M. N. (2018). Exploring the managing of flood disaster: A Malaysian perspective, Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 14(3):, pp. 24-36 (WoS - ESCI Indexed)
  3. Siti Nurbaidzuri R., Izham, M. Y., Habibah, L., Muhamad Uznir, U. (2017). A Review of Infiltration Excess Overland Flow (IEOF): Terms, Models and Environmental Impact, Journal of Advances in Humanities, Vol 4(3), pp. 490-502 (WoS Indexed - Impact Factor : 0.433)
  4. Ishaku, B. Y., Izham, M. Y., Main, R. (2014). Vertical Electrical Sounding Investigation of Aquifer Composition and its Potential to Yield Groundwater in Some Selected Town in Bida Basin of North Central, Nigeria. Journal of Geography and Geology, Vol. 6(1), pp. 60 – 69.
  5. Ishaku, B. Y., Izham, M. Y., Main, R. (2013). Integrating Geophysical Data and Three-Dimensional GIS for Groundwater Modelling and Simulation - A Review. Pensee Journal,Thompson Reuters, Vol 76 (1), pp. 147 – 159 (WoS Indexed)
  6. Izham M. Y. and Main R. (2012) 3D GIS for Urban Runoff Mechanism : A New Perspective using Volumetric Soft Geo-Objects, Malaysian Journal of Development, Society and Environment (Geografia), 8 (5); pp.124-139 (WoS-ESCI Indexed)
  7. Izham, M. Y., Fatimah, H., Main, R. (2012). Survival Dalam Peningkatan Kualiti Hidup Sosial. Kajian Kes Di Kawasan Gugusan Felda Trolak, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Jurnal Perspektif, 4(2): pp. 99-113 (MyCite Indexed)
  8. Izham, M. Y., Uznir, U., Alias, A. R., Ayob, K., W. Ruslan, I. (2011). Influence of georeference for saturated excess overland flow modelling using 3D volumetric soft geo-objects. Computers and Geosciences,Elsevier. 37. pp. 598-609 (WoS Indexed – Impact Factor 1.142)
  9. Izham, M. Y., Alias, A. R., Ayob, K., W. Ruslan, I. (2010). A 3D Volumetric Soft Geo-objects Data Model for Dynamic Streamflow Generating Processes. Journal of Environmental Hydrology, 18(12) : pp. 1-14 (Scopus Indexed)

B.       Referred Book Chapters (Wos & Scopus Indexed)

  1. Muhamad Safiih, L., Mohd Noor Afiq, R., Mohd Fadli, H., Mohd Tajuddin, A., Anton, A. K., Izham, M. Y. (2018). Greater Kenyir Landscapes, in (Sustainable Development of Tasik Kenyir Eco-Tourism Using System Dynamic), Springer, pp. 257-270 (Scopus Indexed)
  2. Muhamad Safiih, L., Mohd Noor Afiq, R., Mohd Fadli, H., Muhamad Na’eim, A. R., Mohd Tajuddin, A., Izham, M. Y. (2018). Greater Kenyir Landscapes, in (Trade-Off Analysis for Eco-Tourism of the Tasik Kenyir Protected Area), Springer, pp. 245-256 (Scopus Indexed)
  3. Noraidah, K., Izham, M. Y., Habibah, L., Uznir, M. U. (2017). Advances in 3D Geoinformation, in Highly Efficient Computer Oriented Octree Data Structure and Neighbours Search in 3D GIS), Springer, pp. 285-303 (Scopus Indexed)
  4. Siti Nurbaidzuri, R., Izham, M. Y., Habibah, L., Uznir, M. U. (2017). The Hierarchical Three-Dimensional (3D) Dynamic Water Infiltration on Multi-layers of Soil According to Voronoi Sequence Nodes Based on the Three-Dimensional Triangular Irregular Network (3D TIN), in (Advances in 3D Geoinformation), Springer, pp. 443-460 (Scopus Indexed)

C.       Referred Proceedings (Wos & Scopus Indexed)

  1. Siti Nurbaidzuri, R., Izham, M. Y., Muhamad Uznir, U. (2020). 3D Subsurface Soil Deformation Data Model, European Proceedings Of Social And Behavioural Sciences, :, pp.44-53 (Wos Indexed)
  2. Jefriza, Izham, M. Y., Ismail, A. A. (2020). SAR Sentinel-1: Mitigation Strategies For Earth’s Surface Displacements In Aceh, Indonesia, IOP Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science, 500:, pp 1-5 (Scopus Indexed)
  3. Jefriza, Izham, M. Y., Ismail, A. A. (2020). Application Of Interferometric SAR Using Sentinel-1A For Flood Monitoring In South Of Sulawesi, Indonesia, IOP Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science, 500:, pp 1-6 (Scopus Indexed)
  4. Izham, M. Y., Aznarahayu, R., Nurul Azni, M. A. and Norashila, M. N. (2019). The River Basin Spatial Informative Nesting (E-BASIN) Framework As An Alternative Approach For Flood Disaster Management. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 380 012005, pp. 1-7 (Scopus Indexed)
  5. Nazirah, A., Habibah, L., Tay Lea Tien, Izham, M. Y. (2015). A Comparative Study of Frequency Ratio, Statistical Index and Poisson Method for Landslide Hazard Mapping Along East-West Highway, AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings (ISBN: 978-0-7354-1304-7), AIP Conference Proceedings 1660, 090025 (2015); do, 1-10. (WoS Indexed)
  6. Izham, M. Y., Ayob, K., Alias, A. R. (2010). 3D Volumetric Soft Geo-objects Data Model for Dynamic Streamflow Generating Processes, Water and Geosciences, WSEAS, pp. 214-220 (WoS Indexed).


A.      Ph.D Student (As Of December 2020)

  1. Nur Syuhada Binti Mustakim (2019), Research - Full Time, Keterancaman Dan Daya Tahan Penduduk Terhadap Bencana Tanah Runtuh. Kajian Kes Di Cameron Highland, Pahang. (Main Supervisor) - Active
  2. Jefriza (2019), Research - Full Time, Landslide Monitoring Of Natural Terrain Area in Central Aceh Using Insar Techniques. (Main Supervisor) – Passed VIVA Voce (Currently working on thesis corrections)
  3. Siti Nurbaidzuri Binti Reli @ Raily (2014), Research - Full Time, Dynamic Water Infiltration Into Sub-Surface Soil Layers For Landslide Modeling Using Three-Dimensional Geographic Information System (3D GIS). (Main Supervisor) – Waiting for VIVA Examination
  4. Noraidah Binti Keling (2014), Research - Part Time, Designing 3D GIS Soft Geometrical Data Model For Dynamic Landslide Modeling. (Main Supervisor) - Active
  5. Teoh Shwu Jiau (2019), Research - Part Time, Assessing Vulnerability of Aquatic Agricultural Systems to Climate Change. (Main Supervisor) - Active

B.       Master Student (As Of December 2020)

  1. Abdul Rahman Bin Md Isa (2020), Research - Part Time, Water Quality Characteristic Of Beris Dam Base on Physicochemical and Interpolation Analysis using GIS. (Main Supervisor) - Active
  2. Nur Zafirah Binti A Khadar (2018), Research - Full Time, Computation Model of Weather Influence for Ecotourism Development using Geographical Information System (GIS): A Case Study of Lake Kenyir, Terengganu. (Main Supervisor) - Active
  3. Norashila Binti Mohd Nasir (2017), Research - Full Time, Aplikasi GIS Dalam Bencana Banjir, Kawasan Kajian: Sub Lembangan Sg. Perak (Sg. Pelus) Di Mukim Sungai Siput, Perak. (Main Supervisor) - Active
  4. Ishaku Bashir Yakubu (2012), Research – Full Time, Groundwater Survey In Bida Basin, Niger State Nigeria Using Electrical Resistivity Data and Three-Dimensional Geographic Information System. (Main Supervisor) – Graduated : November 2014
  5. Nazirah Binti Azizat (2012). Spatial And Temporal Analysis of Landslide Along East West (Gerik-Jeli) Highway. (Co-Supervisor) – Graduated : November 2015


A.     Awards : 

  1. Best Paper for the 5th IASME / WSEAS International Conference on Water Resources, Hydraulics & Hydrology (WHH '10) University of Cambridge, UK, February 23-25, 2010.
  2. Sanggar Sanjung Award, USM, 2011.
  3. Excellence Service Award, USM, 2013.
  4. Excellence Service Award, USM, 2016.
B.     Internal Examiner

              Master Thesis :

  1. Mohd Nazir Nazar @ Azizan Bin Hamid (2015). Master Thesis , Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penurunan Kualiti Air Sungai Sungai Petani Akibat Kegiatan Manusia 

               Ph.D Thesis : 

  1. Ibrahem Ahmad Mohammad Gharaibeh (2017). Ph.D Thesis , Universiti Sains Malaysia, Assessment Of The Status And Interoperability Of National Spatial Data Infrastructure In Jordan
  2. Abdul Rauf Abdul Rasam (2017). Ph.D Thesis , Universiti Sains Malaysia, Permodelan Dan Analisis Geospatial Bagi Kawasan Berpotensi Tinggi Penyakit Tuberkulosis Di Shah Alam, Selangor.
  3. Roselan Bin Abdul Rahman (2018). Ph.D Thesis , Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kajian Hidrologi Aliran Permukaan Dan Subpermukaan Di Lembangan Sungai Sedim, Kulim, Kedah.
  4. Zubeida Ali B. Al Adwan (2019). Ph.D Thesis , Universiti Sains Malaysia, Hedonic Pricing Model For Real Property Valuation In Jordan Using GIS.

C.   Reviewer : 

  1. Journal Reviewer for Journal of Flood Risk Management (WoS - Wiley) : 2019 / 2020
  2. Journal Reviewer for Kajian Malaysia (Scopus - USM) : 2020 / 2021
  3. Research Proposal Ethical Reviewer under The Human Research Ethics Committee of USM (JEPeM) : 2020 / 2021