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Research Area:
  • Chemistry

  • Chemical Sensor & Biosensor


Research Publication:
  1. Highly selective pork meat detection using copper(II) tetraaza complex by electrochemical biosensor. 2023. RSC Advances (13):2104.

  2. A new sensing material based on tetraaza/SBA15 for rapid detection of copper(II) ion in water. 2022. Membranes (12):1152.

  3. An electrochemical biosensor for the rapid genetic identification of Musang King durian. 2022. Scientific Reports (12):19324.

  4. Hexaferrocenium Tri[Hexa(Isothiocyanato)Iron(III)] trihydroxonium Complex As A New DNA Intercalator for Electrochemical Porcine DNA Biosensor. 2021. Scientific Reports (11):7883.

  5. Biosensors for Home Testing of COVID-19. 2021. Berita IKM. Jun 2021 (143).

  6. A highly sensitive impedimetric DNA biosensor based on hollow silica microspheres for label-free determination of coli. 2020. Sensors (20):1279.

  7. An Electrochemical DNA Biosensor for Carcinogenicity of Anticancer Compounds Based on Competition between Methylene Blue and Oligonucleotides. 2019. Sensors (19):5111.

  8. A Hydrogen Peroxide Biosensor from Horseradish peroxidase Immobilization onto Acrylic Microspheres. 2019. Sains Malaysiana (48): 1409-1416.

  9. An-ultrasensitive hollow-silica-based biosensor for Pathogenic Escherichia coli DNA Detection. 2018. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (410): 2363-2375.

  10. Optical DNA Biosensor based on Square-Planar Ethyl Piperidine Substituted Nickel(II) Salphen Complex for Dengue Virus detection. 2018. Sensors (18):1173.

  11. Sintesis dan Pencirian Kompleks Nikel(II) Salfen dengan Rantai Sisi Piperidina dan Kajian Interaksi dengan DNA Denggi. 2018. Sains Malaysiana (47): 1139-1146.

  12. Aminated Hollow Silica Spheres For Electrochemical DNA Biosensor. 2015. AIP Conference Proceedings (1678).

  13. Effect of molecular weight on the properties of liquid epoxidized natural rubber acrylate (LENRA)/silica hybrid composites. 2011. Sains Malaysiana (40): 743-748.

Other Publication:
  1. Biosensor DNA: Teknologi Pengesanan Pantas Organisma Patogen. Penerbit UKM. ISBN 978-967-251-011-6

  2. A biosensor for detecting porcine DNA. MY-188779-A.



  1. DANA MODAL INSAN UKM (2022) – Funding for Postdoctoral Researcher

  2. DANA MODAL INSAN UKM (2019-2020) – Funding for Postdoctoral Researcher

  3. SILVER Award in PECIPTA ’19 (2019)

  4. MyBrain15 (PhD) Scholarship (2013-2016) – Ministry of Education, Malaysia


  1. Presenter in Strategic Industry Engagement & Market Outreach Session (SIEMOS) - UKM

Training Course:
  1. Participant of APTCAD Workshop (Aptamer Computer Aided Design) – Biogenes Technologies Sdn Bhd

  2. Participant of Binding Affinity Assessment of Aptamer to Target Molecules – Biogenes Technologies Sdn Bhd


Community Engagement:
  1. Participant of “Fitter than Yesterday 3.0” 2003 and win the Monthly Challenges 150000 steps- Jabatan Sains Kimia, FST, UKM

  2. Committee Member of “Open Laboratory 2023” – Kolej Genius @ Pintar Negara, UKM.

  3. Lab Assistant for Ujian Amali Sains SPM 2022 – Kolej Genius @ Pintar Negara, UKM.

  4. Committee Member for “Malam Sirih Pulang ke Gagang 2022 – Persatuan Alumni Kimia, UKM

  5. Committee Member of ‘Virtual Run 2022” – Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, UKM

  6. Represent Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi in Bicara Tuntas 2018 - UKM

Industry Engagement:
  1. Involved in Laboratory Visits between UKM-Gifu University-Biogenes Technologies Sdn Bhd